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Bonnet bulges where to buy ?
the moa 2 - 27/12/05 at 11:49 AM

Hi there i cant seem to find anywhere that sells good bonnet bulges like this one:

Anyone know of anywhere or know of a good way to design one?

the moa 2 - 27/12/05 at 11:52 AM

Its always the way as soon as post a question i find the answer myself straight after .

That bulge in the picture is an MK one and they sell them for £50.

Any other ideas still appreciated.

Andy W - 27/12/05 at 11:52 AM

I'm sure MK do them as an a bolt for the standard bonnet.


Avoneer - 27/12/05 at 11:54 AM

MK sell the big one.

Triton also does a few.

As does MNR.


rob126 - 27/12/05 at 01:20 PM

MK site please???

the moa 2 - 27/12/05 at 02:04 PM

all the manufactures or at least most of them are in the links section of this site heres MK's for ya

iwbunting - 29/12/05 at 08:18 PM

Suggest you search in ebay for scoop.

You might be pleasantly surprised'

wicket - 29/12/05 at 11:39 PM

Burton Power do a few, see here

under Cooling SystemDucts & Hose

Simon - 30/12/05 at 08:08 PM

Mine no good then



the moa 2 - 31/12/05 at 02:12 PM

Good work a had a look in your archive lots of work involved to get that right.