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Potential Buyer of an MNR
rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 03:30 PM

Hi Guys

Im looking to buy a BEC soon (this week) and ive seen this on PH. Was wondering if anyone knows the car etc and if you could tell me if its a good price etc.

All help greatly appreciated.


[Edited on 19/7/09 by rob2005]

twybrow - 13/7/09 at 03:37 PM

Seen tthat one before. Can't remember who bought it, but it was for sale around a year or so ago....

richardh - 13/7/09 at 03:44 PM

yeah, it was sold after about 7u months to the current owner.
and up for sale again.
quite nice in white but personally for me its a bit on the pricey side in this market.
only my humble though

JoelP - 13/7/09 at 03:51 PM

expensive but an expensive spec to match, with the raceleda bits, t45 cage, dry sumped zx12 etc...

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 03:54 PM

Thought it was a little high but was unsure as the spec seems high.

How do you find it as you own one yourself?

Ive heard good things about MNR but im torn between MNR or Westfield. Any comments would help me.

Thanks again for everyones input.

sorens2 - 13/7/09 at 04:04 PM

I have a MNR ZX12 like that one.
I´m still impressed. Boyght it from new in march.
Ist very fun.
Tried a R1 powered and Im glad i choose 1200 cc.

Soren S2

coozer - 13/7/09 at 04:14 PM

Worth ringing Chris at MNR and asking him about it.

richardh - 13/7/09 at 04:19 PM

coozer beat me to it...............

love mine but never get chance to use it.

personally i don't like westfields much as they see to snobbish for my liking.

On the other hand there are lots of them and you are buying a brand and EU certification i think.

depends on what you want to feel like driving it.

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 04:22 PM

Great clips Soren, looks like a flyer!!

How do you find the car?

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 04:25 PM

TBH Richard as long as it gets my pulse racing im not worries about a brand as such. I just want the best i can for my £10,000 budget really.

Would Chris mind me calling even though i may not purchase a car from him??

sorens2 - 13/7/09 at 04:27 PM

I like it alot.
There was a few small problems (elec) but I fixed it myself.
At the end of the day it is very cheap to drive.
No tyrewear, low fuel, no brake wear.

Soren S2

richardh - 13/7/09 at 04:39 PM

mnr also tend to be a bit more able in standard form to accomodate a larger sized driver

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 04:50 PM

That was one of my concerns with the Westfield. Im 6'1" and about 13.5 stone so need to be able to fit in one before i buy one (any car that is).

With the MNR you seem to get a newer car with more spec for the money. Is the build quality the same or generally are all so called 'kit cars' the same quality?

maximill666 - 13/7/09 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by sorens2
I like it alot.
There was a few small problems (elec) but I fixed it myself.
At the end of the day it is very cheap to drive.
No tyrewear, low fuel, no brake wear.

Soren S2

No tyrewear & low fuel - You must not be driving it properly

richardh - 13/7/09 at 04:58 PM

i think they are about the same quality.

the main bit to be happy with is the chassis and suspension components.

MNR i have to say are better thought out.

MNR customer service is better too

bi22le - 13/7/09 at 04:58 PM

I think thats a good spec for price. The original owner would want more of a return after spending the extra amount with the engine and dry sump. This extra cost still bumps up the resale 2nd or 3rd hand. I have seen worse cars for 10K easily. I also saw that for sale a while ago. I have been in an MNR R1 and size wise I would say a 6'1 would fit. Obviously still try it first though!!

richardh - 13/7/09 at 05:01 PM

the first owner of chassis number 1 for mnr was about 17 stone i think
ANdy daniels was his name
forget how tall he is but he's above me and i'm 6ft and 14 stone

RichardK - 13/7/09 at 05:01 PM

Knowing the sort of guys they are at mnr I'm sure they wouldn't mind you picking there brains.



GeorgeM - 13/7/09 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by rob2005
TBH Richard as long as it gets my pulse racing im not worries about a brand as such. I just want the best i can for my £10,000 budget really.

Would Chris mind me calling even though i may not purchase a car from him??

You won't go far wrong with the MNR.
Chassis design has moved on, but was
good then.

Chris won't mind you calling him - give him a
ring in the morning


sorens2 - 13/7/09 at 05:20 PM

I´m 190 cm tall and 110 kg.
Fit easily.
Seat can still come 10 cm back.

Soren S2

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 05:22 PM

Thanks again for all the info guys. Im hearing good things about these cars everywhere.
After looking all day on PH and other web sites at peoples past posts (people looking at buying a BEC) im still not 100% what to do or which road to go down.

I think ill get a much higher spec MNR £ for £ than a westfield.

maximill666 - 13/7/09 at 05:25 PM

Rob, Your height wont be an issue with either a Westfield or an MNR VortX, you will easily fit in both.

The quality of the westfield fibreglass is excellent, but IMO the MNR is a better quality overall kit for the money (Chassis etc). Obviously it all depends upon how well its been put together.

I am biased though, just cos I love MNR's, I have had two, a 2006 outboard suspension chassis & my current one, a 2009 factory built car with inboard suspension.

You may have someone with either type of car local to you & you may be able to get a ride in one before choosing which you prefer, if you post your location it would help?

[Edited on 13/7/09 by maximill666]

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 05:31 PM

Im in Cardiff, i popped along to Llandow race track on saturday and managed to get a ride in a Bike powered Westfield.

Im keeping my options open though and after much trawling have decided the MNR is a candidate.

Im glad im hearing good things about them. Im due to call the chap later on the one in the advert link ive posted.

Are there any obvious things i need to ask?

richardh - 13/7/09 at 05:36 PM

ask what chassis number it is in case you need to speak to MNR

Any chassis mods at all?

I know nothing about the Kwak engine so someone might have something here

V5 details need to match exactly
ie not still saying sierra etc

Has it been corner weighted?
what is the suspesnion set to camber toe etc

any niggles or bits the owner would still want to change, rectify etc

this help?

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 05:42 PM

Brilliant, thanks for the advise Rich ill let you know how i get on.

Would have been nice for the original owner to have been on here or for someone to recognise the car but ill see how i get on.

You guys sure are helpfull.

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 05:49 PM

Ive just found a picture of the car without the full cage on MNR's website.

I wonder if they may remember the car?

stuart_g - 13/7/09 at 06:00 PM

If I were you I would buy a car which is a lot newer. There have been umpteen chassis updates since 2005 and a newer car will be lighter and stronger.

richardh, have you decided to keep yours now? Your car would be the better buy for the same money IMHO.

[Edited on 13/7/09 by stuart_g]

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 06:09 PM

Well just got off the phone and it seems to have ticked all the boxes.

He has had all the work and modifications done by MNR at the factory.
Including the diff and chassis strengthened in most areas (not sure why but im new to these).

So i think a call to them tomorrow is the next step.

sorens2 - 13/7/09 at 06:24 PM

The old chassis was not as strong as the new one.
So they made improvements.

Soren S2

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 07:47 PM

Soren im sat in my room its raining very heavilly and my girlfriend is shouting at me as ive watched your clips on youtube several time now

Women just dont understand, the clip of you racing the Leon is superb!!

sorens2 - 13/7/09 at 07:51 PM

We are not racing.
I´m waiting on the Leon to get some better video.
Its not THAT slow.
BTW: I have several videos from the Ring on youtube. Do you won´t get bored tonight.

Søren S2

maximill666 - 13/7/09 at 08:12 PM

Rob, you think thats quick, check this vid out

Its Paublo999 on here, hilclimbing his zzr1400 powered MNR

paublo999 - 13/7/09 at 08:15 PM

I own a 2007 MNR Super R with a Kawasaki ZZR1400 engine in it which I compete in doing hillclimbs and sprints .

The quality of the chassis and bodywork is very high on the MNR and although Chris and Marc are very busy (a good sign) they will help as much as they can.

Very much recommended and my car is proving very competitive against Busa powered Westifields regularly taking class wins and keeping up with much more powerful cars, especially on the tighter tracks and hills.

some more videos to tickle your fancy -


neilj37 - 13/7/09 at 08:16 PM

Was hoping to catch you at Alford on Sunday but the heavy rain put me off and wasn't sure if the racing would still be on. Hopefully see you at Fintray in a few weeks.

eznfrank - 13/7/09 at 08:42 PM

Not a big fan of that particular car, just doesn't look quite right to me but can't put my finger on it. Nothing against MNR's as such just something about that particular one looks a bit odd. That being said it does have a ZX12 which gets a massive from me.

I like this clip of a ZX12 in a Japanese 7 accelerating - FAST!!!

Linky to youtube

rob2005 - 13/7/09 at 08:42 PM

Jeeeeeessss!!!!Paul youve got massive balls my god that thing is a weapon!!

richardh - 14/7/09 at 07:43 AM

Mine is still for sale for the right price and is back on pistonheads.

I love it but just never get much opportunity to drive it.

Too busy looking for a job

Jenko - 14/7/09 at 09:48 AM

I think saying the Westfield Crowd are a bit Snobish is a little harsh....Typically, most like all 7 type cars, and I know there is a huge amount of respect for the MNR.

I must admit, if I was going for a BEC I would go for an MNR...I really like the look of them, and the engineering of the inboard suspension is (IMHO) better than the westfield set up...I'm 6ft, and 15'5 stone, and fit perfectly in the westfield, so size really should not come into this...

I have a 200bhp westfield, and am thinking of selling and going for a Bike engined MNR.......


paublo999 - 14/7/09 at 09:57 AM


Plenty of guys racing and going quicker than me every weekend. But it does show what the MNR is capable of in amateur hands.

BEC's are great on short and twisty tracks, but the big 2litre+ 300bhp boys can take me down the straights - supercharger? turbo...

Find the right car, learn everything you can about it, maintain it properly and you will have loads of fun.

All the best

rob2005 - 14/7/09 at 10:37 AM

Thanks Paul i hope i can find one soon im busting to get one.

Ive just come off the phone to Chris and what more can i say than whats been said already. Super helpfull and honest which is what i wanted.

Now i just have to find one....

stuart_g - 14/7/09 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by richardh
Mine is still for sale for the right price and is back on pistonheads.

I love it but just never get much opportunity to drive it.

Too busy looking for a job

Rob2005, In my opinion you should look at richards car, it will be better than the white one as it is a newer chassis, as said before there have been numerous chassis updates since 2005 so the newer the chassis the better. I have actually seen richards car and can vouch for the condition.
The small problem with the fuel supply will be cured with an R1 pump. Don't get sucked into thinking you need 1200 and 1400cc engines, you don't. The carbed R1 engine is a cracking motor and there are still enough about at reasonable money if it were to go pop.

Just my 2p worth

rob2005 - 14/7/09 at 12:17 PM

Well im off to look at both tomorrow i think, i cant discard the white one for some reason i keep going back to it.

Only way of knowing for sure is going to see and have a little ride in both.

paublo999 - 14/7/09 at 12:19 PM

Hi again, just my 2p...

I would agree that the R1 is very quick and more than adequate for a road/track car, do you want to compete? if not, then the R1 will be great fun. Otherwise the 20-30bhp and torque differences can make quite a difference. Also get a car with a cage if you plan to do anything more than a few track days.....

I dont know about the chassis improvements, but buy a car with the right bits on it as it all soon adds up when you do it afterwards. Brakes, shocks, the diff/lsd? New cycle wings etc are not too expensive if you want to change the look of a car.

neilj37 - will see you at Fintray. I will need a new record and wins on both days to put the class leader under pressure. I also hope to be there with a few new tweaks to the car that should make it quicker again...


rob2005 - 19/7/09 at 08:58 PM

Well im now an official owner.

I collected the car and drove it 150 miles home today. It was wet and misserable weather early on but i loved every moment.

I cant get over how capable it is, everything has exceeded my expectations.

Now for a few small modifications of my own and a full spanner check and service i think.

daniel mason - 19/7/09 at 09:10 PM

did you get the white zx12?

[Edited on 19/7/09 by daniel mason]

rob2005 - 19/7/09 at 09:18 PM

HI Dan ,yes its had thousand spent on it and has been very well looked after.

Ticked all my boxes and after all research was happy to get it.

GeoffMM - 19/7/09 at 09:19 PM

looks like it, check his sig under his user id

daniel mason - 19/7/09 at 09:40 PM

well done rob, hope it goes well!