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C20XE Crank Pulley Diameter
cd.thomson - 14/4/09 at 10:27 AM

Hi guys,

this is for the redtop lovers . I'm not at home for a little while but need to get a trigger wheel ordered ready for the engine fit when im back in a couple of weeks. Does anyone happen to know the diameter of the C20XE crank pulley as I was going to buy a ring type?

Also whats the best way of attaching these, someone has destroyed one of the bolts on the front of the pulley so getting it off will be a nightmare (no it wasnt me ) and I cant weld...

thanks as always

[Edited on 14/4/09 by cd.thomson]

corpi - 14/4/09 at 11:05 AM

I could measure tonight, but Why not use the existing trigger and VR sensor that is built into the engine?

cd.thomson - 14/4/09 at 11:22 AM

I'd be very grateful corpi.

For ease I am setting up an EDIS system which I believe doesnt work with the 60-2 trigger wheel found inside the XE engine.

corpi - 14/4/09 at 07:54 PM

Mine is a double pulley:
largest OD = 150 mm
OD of smaller pulley = 129 mm

I hope this is what you where after? otherwise let me know and i'll measure some more


cd.thomson - 16/4/09 at 10:37 AM

No thats perfect Corpi, trigger wheel ordered and its way,

many thanks