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Importing a Truck From the US?
Andy North - 17/2/10 at 07:46 PM

I am looking to import an old truck from the US. Does anyone have an idea of cost and a company that I can use to do this?


[Edited on 17/2/10 by Andy North]

eznfrank - 17/2/10 at 07:49 PM

To France or the UK?

blakep82 - 17/2/10 at 07:50 PM

and what kind of truck?

Andy North - 17/2/10 at 07:57 PM

It's an old chevy/GMC. I agreed a deal in the UK, but got guzzumped

So I am looking in the US, I want something original as opposed to 'pimped'

Not had much luck importing to France as they seem heavier in taxes so I am willing to pick up from UK

r1_pete - 17/2/10 at 08:10 PM

I looked into importing a £5000 ($8000) etype a while ago, was quoted £1200 shipping, plus import duties, plus admin fees, plus onward shipping etc, total was approaching £4000.

blakep82 - 17/2/10 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
I looked into importing a £5000 ($8000) etype a while ago, was quoted £1200 shipping, plus import duties, plus admin fees, plus onward shipping etc, total was approaching £4000.

sounds about right on the shipping cost. my dad shipped a ford aerostar in 1989 i think, was about £500 then i think.

morcus - 17/2/10 at 09:07 PM

Someone my dad works with imported his car from saudi, he payed about £7,000 in transport and taxes and registering.

If you import it into the UK would you not have to pay more tax when you got it to France? I don't know how it all works but I know you have to pay VAT if you buy a new car in Europe and bring it back to the UK.

Danozeman - 17/2/10 at 09:23 PM

I know someone whos dad imports american vehicles. she said it would be at least 10,000 once everything was covered. Plus theres the bits that get nicked on the crossing which you have to account for. Ill get there details if you like.

Danozeman - 17/2/10 at 09:31 PM

This is they

Theyv imported loads.

Andy North - 18/2/10 at 05:08 PM

Thanks Guys