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Top Gear tomorrow. Start grumping now !!
zilspeed - 25/6/11 at 09:11 PM

Just a quick heads up to anybody that fancies getting a head start on being a grumpy old man before tomorrow night.

If you know you're going to be dissapointed by TG tomorrow night, just crack on now and make a head start on how it falls short.

You know you want to and it saves time later.(1)

I'll be watching for much the same reasons as I watch any other comedy show.
A bit of a laugh.
They might even talk cars at one point, you never know.

(1) Or you could just watch something else or maybe even turn the telly off.

flibble - 25/6/11 at 09:18 PM

Ahh, but would you watch a comedy show that had the same jokes in every show, and that you could see coming a mile off?!? ......Crash...Oh cock...

zilspeed - 25/6/11 at 09:26 PM

Everybody has their Schtick that they really on...

Vick and Bob's dove from above.
Lee Evans' bendy body.
Bill Bailey's musical jokes.

P.S. If this was usenet you would have got a whooshhhh for that response

Coopz - 25/6/11 at 09:42 PM

Well personally...I love to finish my weekend watching Top Gear so looking forward to it

mookaloid - 25/6/11 at 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Coopz
Well personally...I love to finish my weekend watching Top Gear so looking forward to it


skodaman - 25/6/11 at 10:24 PM

Jezza for Prezza. But cos I work weekends it'll have to wait till I watch recording of F1 and recording of the re-run of Moto GP.

skodaman - 25/6/11 at 10:30 PM

Are you talking about Top Gear or F1?
''There's a space. Oh no there isn' t..Crash...Oh cock..'' Hamilton.

expatkiwi - 25/6/11 at 10:38 PM

Its gotta be better than the tennis

ReMan - 25/6/11 at 10:53 PM

Bring it on

ianclark1275 - 25/6/11 at 11:23 PM

i like top gear, especially steve the mechanic, he is nuts.

he is pretty locost!


gaz_gaz - 26/6/11 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Originally posted by Coopz
Well personally...I love to finish my weekend watching Top Gear so looking forward to it



Ninehigh - 26/6/11 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by ianclark1275
i like top gear, especially steve the mechanic, he is nuts.

he is pretty locost!


Ah, so he's the one doing the top gear now... I've been looking everywhere

big_wasa - 26/6/11 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by gaz_gaz
Originally posted by mookaloid
Originally posted by Coopz
Well personally...I love to finish my weekend watching Top Gear so looking forward to it




It is what it is.

ditchlewis - 26/6/11 at 09:17 AM

the last one of this series will be a funny one, but i'm not going to give it away.

at work we got sent the a health and safety method statement for us to approve. all i will say is it involves ..................

some heavy equipment and a race with some professionals.

it is a bit staged but should be funny.


MikeRJ - 26/6/11 at 09:27 AM

Terrible show, I keep watching in the vague hope of them doing a proper review of tyre life, fuel economy and cup holder design issues, but all I ever seem to get is high speed action, crashes and explosions.

ditchlewis - 26/6/11 at 09:46 AM

unfortunatly mike more of the same..... incomptiance and big bangs are what the kids love.

my favorite of all time was the vietnam special followed by bolivia.


Litemoth - 26/6/11 at 10:02 AM

Perhaps Clarkson will use the show to openly discuss his (alleged) affair/super injunction?

Some say... he shouts " P-O-W-E-R " when he climaxes

[Edited on 26/6/11 by Litemoth]

scoop - 26/6/11 at 10:09 AM

Yeah im with Coopz. Come back from Rc racing with my boys and sit down to TG and a beer. The perfect Sunday

hillbillyracer - 26/6/11 at 10:44 AM

Yeah, some folk like to really knock it, & what they say is often true but I dont have that big a problem. You can see some stuff is very staged but it is T.V. & that's what so much T.V. is.
If they did a "proper" motoring show where they compared fuel consumption, reliability, servicing costs, road tests of ordinary cars like 1.6 Astras & Mondeos that most folk buy etc it'd be boring as hell & only watched by anoraks!

For all it's faults I'll be watching & enjoying it!

coozer - 26/6/11 at 10:55 AM

I like Fifth gear better.....

MikeRJ - 26/6/11 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by coozer
I like Fifth gear better.....

I'd like it a lot better without VBH and Jonny.

gingerprince - 26/6/11 at 11:09 AM

5th gear were at dunsfold (top gear track) in last weeks episode, testing the new McLaren.

scootz - 26/6/11 at 11:18 AM

The shows biggest problem is that it WAS so damn good, it was unmissable!

... but then they started to believe their own hype and got the 'comedy' scriptwriters in They completely lost the balance and over the course of a couple of season turned a GREAT show into a so-so one.

Bah, humbug!

steve m - 26/6/11 at 11:20 AM

TG should be aired at 1700 (kiddies tv time)

David Jenkins - 26/6/11 at 01:26 PM

I no longer get stressed about it - I just categorise TG in the same area as all the rest of the carp on TV, and ignore it...

zilspeed - 26/6/11 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
5th gear were at dunsfold (top gear track) in last weeks episode, testing the new McLaren.

But not actually following the TG layout.
Well, that's how it appeared here.

Different camera angles etc, but the buildings were familiar as were the top gear skid marks from their track layout.

Hey, we can all get on.

Doctor Derek Doctors - 26/6/11 at 11:10 PM

What a damn good episode they pulled out tonight.

Bit of childish fun from Hammond. A really passionate review of the 1 M// from Clarkson, a mildly interesting star, a fun race with May and then a really evocative tribute to the E-Type.

Anyone who could't find anything they enjoyed in that lot really isn't a petrol head.

Hopefully it will set the standard for the series.

Steve Hignett - 26/6/11 at 11:47 PM

I've never bothered to take part in a TG bashing post before so I guess my words won't mean much to most on here, but here goes nonetheless...

The only negative in my 35 yr old, yet relatively childish (blokish) intellect, was the first few seconds of the 1M video. ie. It could have started with precision driving and a bit of wheelspin, but no, they had to say that the car Is only capable of "this" behaviour...

D Beddows - 27/6/11 at 12:13 AM

I enjoyed it

Anything is better than 5th gear with Vicki Munter- Henderson - met her and not not only is she VERY average looking she's also a VERY average driver and a proper lesbian (which is her choice and not something I have a problem with btw) so don't loose any sleep over her gents....... then there is Jason Plato who probably now has to have a separate race truck to contain all the excuses as to why he can't win without trying in BTTC (or whatever it's called now) anymore - hint SIGN FOR A TEAM THAT HAS TURBO CARS IF YOU THINK THEY'RE FASTER........and then there is some random fat bloke......... yawn

kipper - 27/6/11 at 07:22 AM

Well I really enjoyed last nights show, especialy the girl on a reasonably priced tea tray.

mangogrooveworkshop - 27/6/11 at 08:09 AM

I was to busy having a real life to see it so how was it usual carp?

James - 27/6/11 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by D Beddows
and a proper lesbian (which is her choice and not something I have a problem with btw)

Personally I prefer improper lesbians!

When she and her brother were interviewed on Radio4 she talked about her wedding (to a man). And again, it was mentioned when she was interviewed in Sunday Times magazine a couple of years ago.

Nor according to her wikipedia page:

"Butler-Henderson is married to former Fifth Gear producer and current Top Gear Series Director, Phil Churchward"

Now, I realise this might all be a smoke screen... but really?


Doctor Derek Doctors - 27/6/11 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
I was to busy having a real life to see it so how was it usual carp?

Ahhh you're one of them. Miserable losers who when they don't like something claim they 'have a life' so don't do it.

I have a life as well, had a great active Sunday with my Girlfreind and then my evening involved watching Top Gear and enjoying a cold beer and some nice food.

What exactly were you doing between 8 and 9pm in this amazing life of yours? Walking the Amazon? Volunteering for the NSPCC? Campaigning for Human Rights in China? Writing a novel? Painting an impressionist masterpiece?

Or more likely moaning about things on the internet. It's YOU who needs to get a life and realise that just because people like different things to you doesn't mean you have a more valuable life.

r1_pete - 27/6/11 at 09:51 AM

I did enjoy last nights episode, Hammonds bit was funny, no where near as funny as the Reliant Robin episode, and the 10 minutes of E Type tribute was definately my thing, seeing how cramped Clarkson was in that OTS, reminds me of driving my coupe in the early 80s, and that buying a 2+2 a couple of years back was the right move.

nick205 - 27/6/11 at 10:43 AM

Good show last night; enjoyed the E-Type tribute and the tea tray lady in particular.

Always improved by a bottle or 2 of Greene King IPA

JoelP - 27/6/11 at 11:32 AM

VBH also has a baby now as well as a husband.

But even if she were a plain looking lesbian, thats a rather simplistic reason not to like someone surely?

Strontium Dog - 27/6/11 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by James

Personally I prefer improper lesbians!

Er, Hell YES!

Top Gear's OK too though!

scootz - 27/6/11 at 12:49 PM

My brain must be wired the wrong way as it was the Hammond segment that was the low-light of the show for me!

MikeRJ - 27/6/11 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by scootz
My brain must be wired the wrong way as it was the Hammond segment that was the low-light of the show for me!

Same here, it was all a bit pointless but the rest of the show more than made up for it.

James - 27/6/11 at 02:13 PM

Can someone tell me please.

Have they 'properly' had the Mclaren MP4-12C on yet? I know it was briefly shown in the studio only last series but as far as I know they didn't do the usual review and Stig test.

I know they've filmed it... so where the hell is it??? Or have I missed it somehow?


D Beddows - 27/6/11 at 02:49 PM

Lol must have been a 'phase' she was going through then anyway I'm sure she's very nice when she's not 'being' VBH but she is SERIOUSLY average looking and tbh I've never understood why grown men start acting like oversexed teenagers around her

Ninehigh - 27/6/11 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by James
Can someone tell me please.

Have they 'properly' had the Mclaren MP4-12C on yet? I know it was briefly shown in the studio only last series but as far as I know they didn't do the usual review and Stig test.

I know they've filmed it... so where the hell is it??? Or have I missed it somehow?


If it's the one I'm thinking of it did have the Stig test (based on the Enzo-ish?) but iirc they took it off on the basis that it's not a production car or something along those lines.

scootz - 27/6/11 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows
... I've never understood why grown men start acting like oversexed teenagers around her

Me neither (and it's the same with Sabine)!

MikeFellows - 27/6/11 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by James
Can someone tell me please.

Have they 'properly' had the Mclaren MP4-12C on yet? I know it was briefly shown in the studio only last series but as far as I know they didn't do the usual review and Stig test.

I know they've filmed it... so where the hell is it??? Or have I missed it somehow?


they showed it in the studio as a prototype on last seasons show, it did 35mph if i remember correctly.

top gear magazine this month has a 458 v mp4-12c on the front cover on the test track - so its definalty coming in the next few weeks