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Scrapping a car question.
MP3C - 12/3/14 at 08:36 PM

Just sold my car to somebody across the other side of the country, to get to mine they drove their old car which needs to be scrapped and said they would just give me the car if I could scrap it for them. They have given me the V5 and log book and everything for it.

Would I just be able to go down to the local scrap yard to get rid of it. The person signed the part for the vehicle transfer so I could potentially put my name on it for the full V5 however the tax and MOT runs out in less than two weeks so I doubt I would get the new V5 through in time.

What would be the best way to go about this?

Thanks in advance,


loggyboy - 12/3/14 at 08:48 PM

Just take the car and v5 to tge scrapyard and they should hand you a good 3 figures and wont care whose name it is in. They will fill in the forms to say its been correctly disposed of.

big_wasa - 12/3/14 at 09:02 PM

^^^ And Dvla will send the last keeper a nice letter to say its all done and there liability is no more.

big-vee-twin - 12/3/14 at 09:03 PM

MP3C - 12/3/14 at 09:32 PM

Brilliant, thanks guys,

More painless than I thought it would be, thought they would be asking for identification and all that.


nick205 - 12/3/14 at 10:14 PM

Be prepared, they don't give out cash anymore. They will want to pay into your bank account for traceability. AS a business, we have to deliver our scrap and get a weight and value from them, then invoice them and they pay into our bank account.

martyn1137 - 12/3/14 at 10:33 PM

Daughter recently scrapped boyfriends car which was absolutely dead and brother in law scrapped J reg Fiesta which hadn't turned a wheel for years. I was amazed as both were paid £100+ and paperwork simple.

Not many moons ago you had to pay them to take it away. So that's why I now see far less abandoned and burnt out cars.

big-vee-twin - 12/3/14 at 11:31 PM

Car take back removed my scrapper off the drive and gave me a cheque then drove away.

stevebubs - 13/3/14 at 01:08 AM

3rd endorsement for ... have me a list of offers from scrappies and I just selected the highest offer. Collected in exchange for a cheque a few days later.

OTOH I guess you might get a bit more if you take it to the scrappy...

cliftyhanger - 13/3/14 at 07:21 AM

If you can tow it you can make a nice bit extra.
Take the cat off, they scrap for £30 upwards ( not repro, genuine)
Battery a bit extra and so on. Makes no difference to the value of the shell. In fact, iirc you get charged extra for tyres on the car, take them off and sell them on fleabag. All adds up to a nice dinner out.

motorcycle_mayhem - 13/3/14 at 07:48 AM


Used them for a few cars, they essentially seem to be a call centre/organisation that arranges the local guy to come and take the car. You get a certificate of destruction and cheque is then presented. Simple.

Get the car collected. Look at it my way, if you can (very cynical spectacles), lots can go wrong pushing/towing/driving/ANPR/history/whatever - but once the guy puts the heap on his flat bed on your driveway, you know that your liability is over.

Not Anumber - 13/3/14 at 01:10 PM

The question is though does it contain any useful parts you could take off and sell first ?

Indeed, is it donor material ?