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eBay ad: this one's not a Dutton, honest.....
davidinhull - 11/5/15 at 06:37 PM

But it is a shameless plug to drum up interest in my striker for sale here:

Any interest?

kj - 11/5/15 at 09:02 PM

Just done a reg check it comes up as an MK lol😀

Good luck with the sale a good car

davidinhull - 11/5/15 at 09:37 PM

Was worried I might open a can of worms letting the locost collective delve into its past, but these people disagree:
My details throw up sylva as make

[Edited on 11/5/15 by davidinhull]

Norfolkluegojnr - 11/5/15 at 09:49 PM

Shows up as a Sylva to me.

Will watch with interest. Miss my stryker.....