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Just put a deposit on a car, need advice.
ell_bkr - 26/3/09 at 09:58 PM

Hi all!

Well i've just been and put a deposit on a new toy, a Tiger super 6

Something i just wanted your opinions on. I am looking at the sva certificate and in the "design weights" field it says:

Axel1 - 450kg's
axel2 - 500kg's
Gross Weight 950 kg's

Now am i reading it wrong or does this mean the car weighs 950 kg's? Seems awfully heavy! It certainley didnt look/feel like it weighed that much! Please tell me its a mistake or something

Cheers all.

[Edited on 26/3/09 by ell_bkr]

matt_claydon - 26/3/09 at 10:02 PM

Those are the maximum legal weights for the two axles and the vehicle as a whole. Exceed those and you can be prosecuted for being overloaded.

Unladen you'll be looking at about 500-600kg.

Bear in mind you could easily have a 600kg car, 2 people @100kg each, 100kg luggage and a spare tyre and you could pretty easily get a seven up near a tonne laden.

[Edited on 26/3/09 by matt_claydon]

omega0684 - 26/3/09 at 10:02 PM

no it doesn't mean the car weighs 950kgs, they are just the weights submitted for sva. my car weights about 500-600kgs but sva cert says 900kgs! it just gives a bit of lee-way on the sva application.

what engine is in the tiger, do you have a spec?

[Edited on 26/3/09 by omega0684]

rayward - 26/3/09 at 10:02 PM

normally there just design weights for th braking efficiency

the car shouldn;t weigh that much

my old indy had similar weights shown on the MAC and it actually weighed 560kg



Guinness - 26/3/09 at 10:03 PM

Welcome to the site.

It shouldn't weigh 950kgs (unless it's got a Pinto engine ).

Gross vehicle weight is fully loaded. So car, plus passengers, plus fuel, plus luggage and tools etc.

It is used to work out things like braking efficiency etc.


omega0684 - 26/3/09 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Guinness

It shouldn't weigh 950kgs (unless it's got a Pinto engine ).


cheeky bar-steward

[Edited on 26/3/09 by omega0684]

ell_bkr - 26/3/09 at 10:14 PM

Wow 5 responses in just a few mins! Cheers guys!

Thanks for confirming that for me, had me worried!

The cars a 2003 built Kit with a more or less standard 2.0 pinto.

Really excited/nervous aboiut collecting it, cant wait I'll post some photos up once ive got it home.

Thanks again.

omega0684 - 26/3/09 at 10:33 PM

if its running a standard 2.0 pinto with windowscreen, roof, carpets and luxuries etc then you are looking more towards the 600kg mark.