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Good online source of Ford parts (new)
mr henderson - 8/4/09 at 12:33 PM

As the title. I need to order various Ford parts, don't want to drive in to Aylesbury to the main dealer, so wish to hear reccommendations of good on-line sources



mcerd1 - 8/4/09 at 12:38 PM

what kind of bits are you looking for ?

if you get a trade account with the dealer and/or a decent motorfactor in your area you'll get the discount and they should deliver it to you the same day

mr henderson - 8/4/09 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by mcerd1
what kind of bits are you looking for ?

if you get a trade account with the dealer and/or a decent motorfactor in your area you'll get the discount and they should deliver it to you the same day

Little things like a switch and column bushes, perhaps a bit too small to make it worth opening an account?

mcerd1 - 8/4/09 at 12:46 PM

but there is no harm in asking the next time your in

or there is always burton power when your stuck (not cheap though )

[Edited on 8/4/09 by mcerd1]

hellbent345 - 8/4/09 at 01:04 PM

ford parts uk are alright, ive used them and they got me the bits very quickly, worth a look?

edit .com not!

[Edited on 8/4/09 by hellbent345]

ell_bkr - 8/4/09 at 01:07 PM

I can reccomend fordpartsuk aswell. Dealt with them a few times in the past, always been very helpful and quick turnround.

clairetoo - 8/4/09 at 04:46 PM

I just had a look at that site - and they dont list any parts at all for the Ford Probe
All I want to know is the price of cam cover gaskets !

mad-butcher - 8/4/09 at 06:06 PM

There you go Claire

fficial&client=firefox-a&um=1& ie=UTF-8&ei=ZubcSYHGO9q7jAe476icDg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=1&ct=title" target="_blank">Probe cam cover gasket

[Edited on 8/4/09 by mad-butcher]