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Fury in New Zealand
Furyous - 23/7/12 at 07:27 AM

I'm in the process of emigrating back to New Zealand. I've been looking into bringing my Fury with me and yesterday I spoke to the guys at Fraser at a car show. They're the main 7 kit manufacturer here. They gave me some good pointers and it turns out they're rebuilding a Fury for someone here. Even better, they're about ten minutes from where I work! I went in for a nosy after work this evening and had a good chat. The Fury used to be a turbo R1 but he had some kind of trouble with it so now it's just an R1. It's not registered for the road here, which is going to be in the region of $2,000 once all the certificates and whatnot have been sorted. Apparently the owner is probably going to keep it as a track car instead of getting it on the road.

Having a Fury in their workshop has given them hands on experience to see what would need changing to pass the LVVTA test. Most of it is fairly basic but I think the big one is that the uprights can't be the cut down McPherson struts used on the Fury.

Does anyone recognise this one? The chassis plate was for May 2000. It was built up for racing with plumbed extinguishers, carbon fibre bucket seats and so on. It had a Le Mans bonnet tucked away in a storage room. To be honest it was a bit scruffy as if it had been through a few races. The bodywork was scuffed and cracked all over.



I gave my contact details to Fraser to pass on to the owner but I think they said he lives in Whangarei, about 90 minutes North of Auckland.

Track days are cheap here. It can be $150 for a day at Hampton Downs, or $60 for a two hour session elsewhere. Given that a day on a UK track would be well over $300 that's pretty good. On the downside, Toyo R888s are $350 (£175) for 185/60/14s compared to around £90 in the UK.

iank - 23/7/12 at 05:10 PM

Some links worth browsing
Brian was on here as roadrat, but hasn't been active for a while.

Good luck with the move

[Edited on 23/7/12 by iank]

R1_striker - 25/7/12 at 07:34 PM

there are meant to be a few phoenix's there. they used to be made there i think.