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Too fat to work....
James - 18/3/09 at 09:35 PM


kev R1 - 18/3/09 at 09:48 PM

lazy fat f@@kers stop eating lard and get off ya ass and get some work done!

mangogrooveworkshop - 18/3/09 at 09:50 PM

its the fact they get 30 k that makes me mad

Staple balls - 18/3/09 at 09:53 PM

In the video, all I can see is

Only morbidly obese, obviously.

A1 - 18/3/09 at 09:54 PM

fat bastards!! why do we let them do it? they should be put down...poison their pies!!!!

austin man - 18/3/09 at 09:54 PM

Unfortunately obesity isn't the only reason people are allowed not to work through. Laziness is one it doesn't help when medical proffessionals are more than willing to sign people off on the sick with things like tiredness.

Having worked with unemployed for 10 years its amazing to hear what the government deams acceptable ie people who haven't worked for 28 years, not through illness , caring for someone or incarceration nbu they had their reasons, unjustifiable if you ask me. Ill just keep paying my stamp and suffer the indignity of being one of the only people who has to pay at his dentist.

the system needs changing pay the genuine ones more and stop paying those who can work but wont work.

JoelP - 18/3/09 at 10:00 PM

that article is so funny though, 'the joy of mocking losers'

They are quite clearly fat and a bunch of scrounging bastards, so i have no qualms calling them scrounging fat bastards

Dangle_kt - 18/3/09 at 10:12 PM

Originally posted by austin man
Unfortunately obesity isn't the only reason people are allowed not to work through. Laziness is one it doesn't help when medical proffessionals are more than willing to sign people off on the sick with things like tiredness.

Having worked with unemployed for 10 years its amazing to hear what the government deams acceptable ie people who haven't worked for 28 years, not through illness , caring for someone or incarceration nbu they had their reasons, unjustifiable if you ask me. Ill just keep paying my stamp and suffer the indignity of being one of the only people who has to pay at his dentist.

the system needs changing pay the genuine ones more and stop paying those who can work but wont work.

To be fair, the doctors have got a lot stricter in the last few years. Which is fine for the scum who try and milk the system, but the genuine sick people now find it next to impossible to access the funding they worked hard to pay for whilst they could.

My brother in law had a succsful business, but since an accident a few years ago has terrible attacks which throw him to the floor in agony without any notice, and have a general debilitating effect - even his speech is suffering - but becuase there is no medical condition they can easily match it to, they will only class him as mental - which is alabel he wont accept. So he is living off his savings, hoping they will diagnoise him properly before it runs out.

I agree with what your saying in principle, but I also know the effect that it has on genuine, but hard to lable disabilty.

RK - 18/3/09 at 10:15 PM

I'm sure with their benefits, they can now afford to go to Weight Watchers. And there seems no end of weight to watch there.

daniel mason - 18/3/09 at 10:17 PM

lazy money grabbing cu@ts!

jlparsons - 18/3/09 at 10:24 PM

i paid £30 in tax last year (probably never will again but hey ho). Nice to see it went to a good cause.

clairetoo - 18/3/09 at 10:27 PM

That damn deja vu again (spelling ?)

Daimo_45 - 18/3/09 at 10:33 PM

Four bullets would be cheaper!

austin man - 18/3/09 at 10:50 PM

May be fray bentos or Pukka pies could sponsor them.

Hellfire - 18/3/09 at 11:11 PM

Pray Bentos or Fukka Pies - was that a spoonerism bud?


RK - 18/3/09 at 11:16 PM

Wow, I guess everyone around here is wafer thin. They need a lot of help.

austin man - 18/3/09 at 11:24 PM

the 30k is just income based what else do they claim, mobility car perhaps, free prescriptions, dental work Council tax rebate..

Can you imagine the man had to make the dress, can you imagine the time it tooke after all his sewing machine probaly had to do more mileage than any kit car does in a year.

Hes reputedly building a kit car its an Mscorley plus 44"

oldtimer - 19/3/09 at 08:05 AM

It is abuse of the system. They do not appear too fat to work to me. Social service payments were deigned to be a safety net to get people through a lean period, not as a support system for the lazy. They need help - about 40 hours labour a week would probably do them a world of good.

James - 19/3/09 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by RK
Wow, I guess everyone around here is wafer thin.

Sure are!

You not seen the latest pics from the WLM Newlands meet:

The WLM boys up at the hill
The WLM boys up at the hill


motorcycle_mayhem - 19/3/09 at 09:28 AM

Incredible isn't it, but there you go, our society. So my path is clear, I simply eat myself to Type 2 diabetes obesity level and claim incapacity. Looks far more appealing than the £60 a week that the system is reluctantly serving me at the moment, as I search for non-existent employment. It's great that the huge volume of tax that I've paid over the years is put to some good use.
I did actually secure a (the) van driving job in Cornwall last week, to find the delivery company in receivership when I reported for my first day of duty on monday.
OK, must go, depression is *really* starting to set in now, need to gain 16 stone, quickly.

Surrey Dave - 19/3/09 at 10:10 AM

yeah , we seem to reward and support lazy people and idiots , we even give them publicity !!

Not tooo fat to try and be a pop star though!!

We've been dumbed down so everybody can feel included and valued .

Thats what I like about Locostbuiders , it proves to me that there are ingenious , industrious people of all ages in this country still.

People like these 'tellytubbies' just make me feel sad and depressed.

Can I claim anything , I may have post traumatic stress too.......

hellbent345 - 19/3/09 at 11:12 AM

lol ridiculous, there are many more people in this country who claim similar monies for being similarly lazy fat bar stewards. I hate the system we have now, but nothing can be done because if we tried to cut off these blatant workshy scroungers we would also cut off people who truly need the benefits.

Somehow we need a system that only gives money to people who genuinely need it, and that is more easily said than done

i would say give jobseekers allowance only for a set period but in the current climate even people who are genuinely looking for work may find it takes years to get a job, and you stil have people who are genuinely ill that cant work... so how can we stop wasters exploiting the system??

woodster - 19/3/09 at 01:17 PM

fat work shy gits cut their money starve them thin

gazza285 - 19/3/09 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by oldtimer
Social service payments were deigned to be a safety net to get people through a lean period.

They don't look very lean to me.

woodster - 20/3/09 at 10:14 AM

send for the japanese whaling fleet

David Jenkins - 20/3/09 at 07:48 PM

I'm a bit overweight - but I'm under no delusions. It's a simple balance between energy expended and energy shoved through the mouth. If I don't nibble, and don't drink too much beer, I lose weight.

For most fat people the solution is quite simple - eat better food, take more exercise. VERY FEW people are fat for medical reasons (apart from a clinical inability to push a plate away).