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what a loon but had me laughing
chris_smith - 29/4/09 at 08:23 AM


omega0684 - 29/4/09 at 08:28 AM


andyd - 29/4/09 at 08:47 AM

Kudos to the camera guys...

The first one who flies with him off the skateboard has some b@ll$.

Then on the last attempt, the guy standing on the landing ramp as the trike guy lands. "Stand there and wait for me to fly toward you at high speed, I'll try not to wipe you out!"

Omni - 29/4/09 at 09:15 AM

LMFAO!!! That was AWESOME!!!

Check the nutter jumping from a plane WITHOUT a parachute though



iank - 29/4/09 at 09:16 AM

Suspect he'll end his days in a wheelchair, but first class entertainment.

Loved the "I can't see, lay on your back, seriously I can't see, well seriously lay on your back then" conversation.

iscmatt - 29/4/09 at 09:23 AM

thats pretty funy, loks like real life mario karts!!

nick205 - 29/4/09 at 09:45 AM

Now that's cool

ell_bkr - 29/4/09 at 06:32 PM

Thats off the lastest nitro circus movie....well worth a purchase if your into your general motorbike/cars/jackass antics. Will have you gasping with laughter, garunteed!!