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Is it worth going to Harewood Hill today?
eznfrank - 6/6/09 at 06:21 AM

Or will most avoid it due to the rain. Looks like it's going to be "heavy rain" all day.

ell_bkr - 6/6/09 at 08:37 AM

I've dug my brolly out and am going to brave it! Wont be as good as usual but better than sitting at home all day.

Plus i only live round the corner

Anybody from here running?

JoelP - 6/6/09 at 08:39 AM

im passing at some point on the way to a job in harrogate. Dont think i'll have time to stop though as im baby sitting today

Jon Ison - 6/6/09 at 08:39 AM

Ive run up that hill in torrential rain, the farm walls seem even closer.........

wont be there, small matter of a wedding to attend.

mookaloid - 6/6/09 at 09:04 AM

The competitors will be there - they've paid their entrance fee so they won't want to lose that. Also the weather can produce some interesting results - sometimes the usually slower cars can win if they just get the breaks with the weather.

iank - 6/6/09 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by mookaloid
The competitors will be there - they've paid their entrance fee so they won't want to lose that. Also the weather can produce some interesting results - sometimes the usually slower cars can win if they just get the breaks with the weather.

That and the more powerful cars can't put it all down equalising the cars and making it a more fair test of driver skill.

eznfrank - 6/6/09 at 11:10 AM

I decided to come anyway and it's dried out quite nicely now. Just enjoying pie and peas before the timed runs.