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phsykick or just pure chance
expatkiwi - 5/12/10 at 10:39 PM

Today after shopping in Basingstoke I was having a lovely drive along the M3 to get home. We passed a removals truck with Flash Gordon written down the side. I said to the sheila that I hadnt seen that movie for a while and even if it is now very dated its still good for a laugh. I got home,put the telly on and had a mooch through the virgin channels only to discover it was on. Yes I watched it but I find it very spooky that I saw the lorry doing some subliminal advertising.
Whats the ods of that and has anyone else had some strange happenings like that

[Edited on 5/12/10 by expatkiwi]

[Edited on 5/12/10 by expatkiwi]

Andi - 5/12/10 at 10:55 PM

On Bonfire night I had had a few drinky`s and met 2 girls I didnt know at this party.
They were talking about psychic stuff, and I was kind of taking the pi$$ by saying
I was a psychic.
One of them asked me what her birthday was and I guessed right.... to the day, month and year.
What are the chances of that?
Then the next one asked me her DOB and when they both stared at each other speechless I knew
I`d got it right.
Spooked me out a bit too.
Aaah! the power of brew, it holds no bounds
Thing is, I just pulled up 2 random birthdays of people I know.. Bet I could`nt do it again.


steve m - 5/12/10 at 11:05 PM

I used to work with a weido, mean psychic. and i asked her what i was having for dinner tonight
she asked "why"

I said cos i havnt bought it yet, and i dont know what to get

she was not amused

stevec - 5/12/10 at 11:09 PM

When I drive home at night I have this feeling that the wife is going to nag me and I am right every time.


expatkiwi - 5/12/10 at 11:09 PM

And another thing.
When you look up at the sky at night and see all the stars which are planets,suns,universes......are we alone........I dont think so. When we look through a microscope at all those little organisims buzzing about,perhaps someone is doing the same to us and what seems like 2000 years is actually a mere minute in their time.
I feel a headache coming on,time for bed

martyn_16v - 5/12/10 at 11:18 PM

Just pure chance. The human mind has a very odd knack for making things seem like huge coincidences whilst conveniently filtering out the many many instances where nothing all that interesting happened instead.

Even knowing that stuff just happens doesn't help. I 'always' seem to happen to glance at a clock at 12.34, and think to myself 'oh look, 12.34 again, what a coincidence'. It's not. Assuming that I look at the time maybe twice an hour throughout the day, I've got a 1 in 30 chance of looking at a clock at 12.34 on any given day, or about once a month. My head just doesn't bother pointing out to me all of those times I've looked at the time and it hasn't been 12.34...

Ninehigh - 5/12/10 at 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Andi
On Bonfire night I had had a few drinky`s and met 2 girls I didnt know at this party.
They were talking about psychic stuff, and I was kind of taking the pi$$ by saying
I was a psychic.
One of them asked me what her birthday was and I guessed right.... to the day, month and year.
What are the chances of that?
Then the next one asked me her DOB and when they both stared at each other speechless I knew
I`d got it right.
Spooked me out a bit too.
Aaah! the power of brew, it holds no bounds
Thing is, I just pulled up 2 random birthdays of people I know.. Bet I could`nt do it again.


The real coincidence is that you were too p**sed to notice it was your wife and sister

Last wednesday I was watching an old episode of Wheeler Dealers and I said to my stepson "Be worth looking some of these up see if they're still on the road"

Next advert was for "Wheeler Dealers revisted" where they do just that

Chippy - 5/12/10 at 11:53 PM

People who say that they are a psychic, is just rubish, there is no such thing, just coinsidence if they get something correct. If they were then they would all be multi millionares winning the Lotto every week, instead of charging the simple minded a tenner to tell their future. IMHO Ray

Mr G - 5/12/10 at 11:55 PM

Watched the FA cup third round draw on tv.

Serge Pizzorno from the group Kasabian and Noel Gallagher (ex oasis) are picking the balls.

Serge supports Leicester City
Noel supports Manchester City

Serge draws out Leicester City
Noel draws out Manchester City.

Don't ask me what the odds of that are!

Youtube Link


Ninehigh - 6/12/10 at 12:08 AM

Oh yeah saw that

I guess the odds are:

If we say there were 28 teams to pick then Man City would have been 28 to 1
Then Leicester would have been 27 to 1.
Then I think you multiply them... To make about 800 to 1?

trikerneil - 6/12/10 at 08:11 AM

According to Terry Pratchett "Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten."


balidey - 6/12/10 at 08:34 AM

All crap.
Flash Gordon is on most weekends on Virgin

Mate of mine claimed astrology was true because he was a 'can't remember' star sign and he met his girlfriend who was a 'can't remember either' star sign and they both had certain traits of their respective signs and 'how can you disprove such evidence'. So I did.....

There are about 6.5 billion people in the world, and thats, well, quite a lot. Divide that by 12 and that means there will be roughly 500 million people sharing the same star sign. You can pretty much guarantee that some of a certain star sign will fall in love, or date, some other people with the star sign that corresponds with what the mumbo-jumbo says they will. So lets say 1 million people all follow those predictions, that is a massive number of people, but really that only one in 500. Which when you think about it, is a lot less than the one in 12 odds of it actually happening. So, he has first hand experience of the coincedence happening, yet millions of other people won't. But as he has first hand experience of it happening, then it must be true.

Its all done by numbers.

I predict that people born under the sign of Libra are called Dave. pretty crap prediction, but there will be hundreds of thousands that are right. So, am i psychic? am i horlics. Read any astrology prediction, tarot reading, whatever, and they are all vague enough to be thought to be correct, in fact they're all tosh. Its the law of averages.

And Flash Gordon will be on TV every other weekend.
Flash Gordon Delivery trucks will be on the road most days.
Some people will see both on the same day.... ARRRRGGGGHHHH he's a witch.... BURN HIM

Macbeast - 6/12/10 at 10:28 AM

" People who say that they are a psychic, is just rubish, there is no such thing, just coinsidence if they get something correct. "

I just knew you were going to say that

steve m - 6/12/10 at 10:31 AM

My wife is a witch, does that count ?

balidey - 6/12/10 at 10:35 AM

Originally posted by steve m
My wife is a witch, does that count ?

I think I married her sister

Humbug - 6/12/10 at 10:54 AM

as above^^^^

The incidents above are just odd occasions when the prediction happened to be right. Nobody bothers to monitor all such guesses where the answer is wrong...

SPYDER - 6/12/10 at 11:12 AM

Britains leading pyskick

JoelP - 6/12/10 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Oh yeah saw that

I guess the odds are:

If we say there were 28 teams to pick then Man City would have been 28 to 1
Then Leicester would have been 27 to 1.
Then I think you multiply them... To make about 800 to 1?

not really odd when you think how many football draws there are!

expatkiwi - 6/12/10 at 06:49 PM

ok so its pur chance that I am the same age as the sister in law and my wife is the age as my brother. My parents live at number 3 ash place and my in laws live at 3 dorset road in "ash vale". our fathers have birthdays in october and mothers in Febuary. Our grandmas are to the day the same age. My wifes middle name is Marie and my mothers is maria. The similarities are bizzare and I am wondering if I have married my long lost sister I never knew I had

JoelP - 6/12/10 at 06:50 PM

The reality is, you only remembered the first event because the second happened. Hundreds of other things happened to you today that went un-noticed because no second event happened.

Now one really good coincidence that happened to me once, was i picked up my house phone to dial a friend, and he was already there before i dialled, as he had rung at precisely the right moment for me to pick up without it ringing! That was a definate WTF moment

JoelP - 6/12/10 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by expatkiwi
I am wondering if I have married my long lost sister I never knew I had

Im off round to ask your parents now

jacko - 6/12/10 at 07:21 PM

And isn't it strange that if you watch a program on sky tv you always think you have seen it before in the same day

martyn_16v - 6/12/10 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by expatkiwi
ok so its pur chance that.....

Yes it is. None of those 'coincidences' on their own are particularly unlikely. Granted, there's a few of them stacking up, but given how many people there are in the world, and how many different ways you could think to link people together, you're bound to find quite a few between almost any two people.

I found out that I actually met my wife several years before we thought we had. My flatmate at uni in Southampton went to school with her (ex) boyfriend in Eastbourne. We'd all been to a couple of the same parties in and around Brighton. I met my wife in a totally unrelated social circle in London several years later, and it took quite a while for us to twig that we both knew the same people. Small world, etc etc. Not fate, not fairies, just chance.

As a side note, I'm glad that she doesn't remember meeting me at any of those parties. From what little I can remember of them, I was quite royally trashed

expatkiwi - 7/12/10 at 06:26 AM


As a side note, I'm glad that she doesn't remember meeting me at any of those parties. From what little I can remember of them, I was quite royally trashed

Perhaps thats what made you atand out and she thought "now theres a catch"

martyn_16v - 7/12/10 at 01:16 PM

'who's that guy that's just got up on the stage and is dancing like an epileptic? That is soooo sexy'

'oh no, he's fallen off. Man down!'