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vehicle trackers
A1 - 5/4/11 at 12:24 PM

Ive just found out that theres been a tracker system fitted to my van... i wasnt told about it and only found out inadvertently.
whats the standing on this? doesnt my employer have to tell me that theyre doing this prior to fitting it?
i dont do anything wrong with the van, i just dont like big brother, plus the fact that it shows distrust in what is a small organisation (less than 10 folk working there)
any info welcome...

blakep82 - 5/4/11 at 12:32 PM

what kind of tracker? is it just one of those ones where if its stolen, the police can find it with the tracking system?
or are you sure the employer uses it to watch where everyone is?

i'd have thought they'd have to let employees know, but thats just my thinking

A1 - 5/4/11 at 12:40 PM

its a quartix one to track where i am, looked on the site, but its helpfully got nothing about this side of it.

DaveFJ - 5/4/11 at 12:46 PM


he may not have told you directly but what info is available in contract etc...

we had something recently where people complained that we had not warned them properly that we were going to monitor files copied to USB sticks... some poepl git very mouthy about it... then we pointed out that the employee handbook (which they all sign to say they have read) clearly states that the company reserves the right to monitor any and all activity on compnay systems and data.....

Mr Whippy - 5/4/11 at 12:48 PM

tbh I like them

when I drove busses every one of them was fitted with trackers and about 10 recording camera's, they are superb if you have a bump or are blamed for something you didn't do and people despute what happened. Or in your case someone claims you have been somewhere you haven't. I know it feels odd at first but I liked them so much I fitted a GPS camera to the Bluebird. I had a retired police officer blame me for driving into his car with the bus while I waited at the lights with the handbrake on, I let him give his statement to the police and then pointed out the camera's that had recorded the whole thing...

A1 - 5/4/11 at 12:56 PM

thing is, im doing pickups, so if i go anywhere im not meant to im late in, so it shows up.
Ive not actually signed any contract as such...

cliftyhanger - 5/4/11 at 01:01 PM

Not a lot you do about it though..........
And no contract means they can do what they like (within reason)
I suspect more and more companies will be using them. Harmless until they want some evidence.

Mr Whippy - 5/4/11 at 01:08 PM

I doubt you ever hear anying regarding it, there probably only going to check it you didn't return or the van went missing. Hell I use to take the empty bus to the filling station to get my lunch or park outside local shops to get something too and they had a big screen in the control room with all the busses shown on it and never a word was said. I don't think your boss is watching you every move and timing you, he's probably got far better things to do with his time.

BenB - 5/4/11 at 01:14 PM

If it's their van I think they can probably do what they like with it

DarrenW - 5/4/11 at 01:36 PM

If i had a company with cars / vans i would have them fitted. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. If you need to call in anywhere wilst out, or need to use the company vehicle for personal reasons then i guess you only have to ask your boss in advance so the company is aware (unless of course you enjoy a bit of that dodgy exhaust pipe fetish weirdo stuff and dont want anyone to know?)

A1 - 5/4/11 at 02:03 PM

(unless of course you enjoy a bit of that dodgy exhaust pipe fetish weirdo stuff and dont want anyone to know?)


they do keep a rather close eye on me...pretty much every day they watch where i am. I just dont like it...its like cctv and all the rest.

AndyW - 5/4/11 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by A1
thing is, im doing pickups, so if i go anywhere im not meant to im late in, so it shows up.
Ive not actually signed any contract as such...

A contract does not need to be writtern. By coming into work each day, and accepting the pay either weekly or monthly is a contract to which both sides have entered into. Your contracted to work by receiving pay, and their contracted to paying you for work.

Likewise with the tracker, there get out clause is always the insurance. By having them fitted the premium is lower. Therefore its required to be fitted for insurance and you dont need to be informed its there.

I have been down a very long and legal route with this with a previous employer and unfortunatley its weighted in there favour at every turn (excuse the pun).

If you dont do anything wrong then there really is nothing to worry about. Beleive me, they really have got better things to do than sit and watch your every move.

Ninehigh - 5/4/11 at 04:02 PM

Most often they have it's true, I've worked for a company that had trackers and it proved useful when a new guy decided to have a joy ride instead of doing the work. On the other side me and other bloke have sat about for half an hour doing non-work related things and nothing got said, while they did have a quiet and polite word for doing "73" on the motorway.

It's mostly to protect themselves and it can well protect you too, for example how could you have had an accident on the A571 yesterday when the tracker shows you were nowhere near?

bi22le - 5/4/11 at 04:57 PM

It is common place now and you cant really blame them. The problem is that the trackers do not always provide positive info.

Sure they can help stop non work related driving and support staff in the event of an accident. The problem being is where my mate is involved. He works for BT. Now before the trackers there was an incentive for time to work quickly so he could go home early. Now he either goes super slow and the customer gets annoyed or he does the job and goes for a kip in the va before the next one. He has even left the van before and gone to the shops or pub for lunch!!

Not overly constructive!

If its a small company you should have a small company friendly feeling with your bosses. Speak to them and see what they want to achieve. Trackers cost alot of money to buy, fit, monthly subscriptions and monitor. There are nearly always better ways to achieve what they want with out getting the staff's backs up.


A1 - 5/4/11 at 09:23 PM

well thats the thing, in order to get everything done in the time allowed, I have to drive fast... now its in, i aint doing that cause itll incriminate me.
I know they do check me all the time, cause they add pickups on the basis of where i am. they used to just text...

cheers folks

RichardK - 5/4/11 at 09:52 PM

Just to play devils advocate a little, an employer has a duty of care for its employee, it could possibly happen that the driver drives into a ditch and gets trapped/hurt but nobody sees him, and is there for a while. The employee eventually gets rescued, he/she could then argue that as the tracker technology was available for the employer to use and that if they had he/she would have been rescued earlier suffering less, the employer could then be responsible in some way....

Guess which country that little gem came from, all true and successfully claimed for, sadly often we're just a few years behind with this sort of shite.



[Edited on 5/4/11 by RichardK]

matt_gsxr - 5/4/11 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by A1

I know they do check me all the time, cause they add pickups on the basis of where i am. they used to just text...

Sounds like a pretty fair business argument for having a tracker. Maybe worth having a chat and understanding expectations.

Personally, I don't really think they can reasonably expect you to routinely speed in order to do your job.