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BBC....can someone tell me when they've stopped harping on about doctor f'ing who please
nick205 - 22/11/13 at 08:49 PM

Don't like doctor who, never have, but each to their own and I know it's popular.

But dear lob Beeb, I can't take any more of your self congratulatory, every channel, constant tosh about it.....STOP ALREADY!

Rant finished

Although, while I'm on the subject, I also find I can't listen to Radio 1 on a Saturday night any mor because of the immensely irritating and again self congratulatory young lady presenter.

Ok now I've finished.

bi22le - 22/11/13 at 08:56 PM

Internation rugby on BBC2HD at the mo and planety on tomorrow.

Beer, rugby and LCB after a bonkers hard week at work. Im getting old. . . .

MP3C - 22/11/13 at 09:20 PM

It seems to be on every BBC radio station had the same for me on the way to work this morning and on the way back this evening -.-

whitestu - 22/11/13 at 09:45 PM

Half of the stuff on the BBC seems to about stuff on the BBC.

Too much time and not enough content IMHO.


steve m - 22/11/13 at 09:49 PM

I quite like the Dr who, thing

there are 900 other channels to watch ?

britishtrident - 22/11/13 at 09:53 PM

If you haven't noticed loads of other BBC output this week is devoted to JFK, C S Lewis & Aldous Huxley.

Dr Who 50th is important but they haven't ignore the other important stuff.

plentywahalla - 22/11/13 at 10:05 PM

There's about 20 hours of JFK assasination on tonight .... At least with Dr Who you get to know whodunnit !!

nick205 - 22/11/13 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I quite like the Dr who, thing

there are 900 other channels to watch ?

Yup and 99% of those are stuffed full of shite as well!

nick205 - 22/11/13 at 10:13 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
If you haven't noticed loads of other BBC output this week is devoted to JFK, C S Lewis & Aldous Huxley.

Dr Who 50th is important but they haven't ignore the other important stuff.


I caught a few moments of content on Aldous and CS this week, which reminded me I should have read them by now!

RK - 23/11/13 at 01:49 AM

Have to say, I tried to watch Dr. Who once, and found it nauseating. Nice to know it isn't just me. The million channel universe has spawned the same pawltry number of good shows as it did when the choice was 2, which is quite sad. This is all over the world too I think, not just your country.

MikeRJ - 23/11/13 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by nick205

Although, while I'm on the subject, I also find I can't listen to Radio 1 on a Saturday night

Only Saturday night? I find I can't listen to it at any time because it's constantly full of crap music and crap DJs.

nick205 - 23/11/13 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by nick205

Although, while I'm on the subject, I also find I can't listen to Radio 1 on a Saturday night

Only Saturday night? I find I can't listen to it at any time because it's constantly full of crap music and crap DJs.

You're absolutely right,, although that I fear is an age thing more than the content itself. However I do still enjoy Pete Tong on a Friday night, just can't stomach the irritating girl in beforehand.

MikeRJ - 23/11/13 at 12:49 PM

I don't have a problem with Dr Who specifically (in fact looking forward to watching tonight's episode with my 8YO daughter), but I have noticed that the BBC seems to spend a ridiculous amount of time advertising/promoting itself in recent years which does annoy me. We pay an extortionate licence fee to avoid commercial adverts, but are then subjected to the BBCs own brand of brainwashing.