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House Insurance
maskell01 - 30/11/15 at 08:20 PM

Howdy all!
What is classed as a water course??
Ive just found, what with all the rain in the hills of wales, i have a flood release about 25m away from my house.

any light shed on this would be fantastic!

Cheers all


CosKev3 - 1/12/15 at 06:40 AM

I would think it's anything that water runs down,Brook, stream river etc.

Anything that 'could' cause a flood.

nick205 - 1/12/15 at 10:18 AM

Hi Aaron,

I would suggest speaking to any potential insurer by phone to make sure they are aware of it - it may dictate a special clause within the policy.

steve m - 1/12/15 at 10:24 AM

I have a flood pond at the back of my house, that has never flooded over the top in the 28 years

yet on the house insurance forms, i have said that i live within 1/4 of a mile of standing water/flood pond
from memory it was only about £10 more a year


mark chandler - 1/12/15 at 06:47 PM

We have an overflow storm drain next to our house, runs down the garden a few feet under the grass, it made no difference to the house insurance, not sure if it's the same kind of thing, basically if the main storm drains become overloaded this is a second exit, think it's an 18" pipe.

The house is called "Brrok house" they quoted a lot of money to insure, maybe £1000p.a, we asked why and they said you are next to a brook, sent them the schematics we have a small stream maybe 200 yards down the road, they said ah, our mistake and dropped to £300.

Just challenge it if they try and load you.

maskell01 - 1/12/15 at 08:06 PM

Thanks all!
for the sake of £10 its really not worth the grief!
Upon moithering the farmer, he used to own the house he stated that its never flooded in 40 years so alls good!

However as a slightly related point, this all happend outside my house!so its understandable about the concern!
The water dragged a ford focus the length of 2 and a half rugby pitches!

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