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LG Smart TV
Minicooper - 24/2/20 at 04:45 PM

Hello all,
I have bought a LG smart tv, I have the usual stuff connected to it, my problem is the dvd player, as a dvd player is works as it should. The problem comes when I want to play CD's and listen to music, the TV keeps switching on.

In the settings I thought I had found a way for it not to react to HDMI connected devices by switching it off. The setting is called auto device detection which I thought is what I needed but it's not.

The f'ing TV will switch on 10 times before it will then ignore the CD playing, this process has to be repeated every time I put the next CD in and even some times when I pause the player

Hopefully there is a way to just switch off this behaviour


obfripper - 24/2/20 at 05:54 PM

Turning off hdmi-cec for that device should sort this out, if you use the cec control features, there may be an option to disable the auto source switching instead.


coyoteboy - 24/2/20 at 05:55 PM

There might be a CEC feature on the DVD player - it's the sort of command passthrough system, from memory.

But most devices think you want to turn on the screen when playing a disc - because they expect the disc to be a visual one

McLannahan - 25/2/20 at 10:47 AM

Also check the HDMI sockets on the TV.

Some are labelled with this functionality, and some aren't!

Not all ports normally have this function, so it's worth trying to see if it does the same on HDMI2, 3 etc...

Worth checking the menus first as suggested but this is something else quick and easy to try.

Minicooper - 25/2/20 at 02:43 PM

Thanks for the help all sorted,
As suggested it was part of the CEC function, on the LG TV it was the Auto Power Sync that was the required option
