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theconrodkid - 21/7/06 at 03:26 PM

my g/f has only been here since 9am today,already she has thrown my curtains in the washing machine,folded and put all my clothes away,evicted my priceless collection of spiders,washed the windows and is curently washing down the paintwork.....are they all like this?

marcotuinenburg - 21/7/06 at 03:30 PM

haha, uhh no

Lawnmower - 21/7/06 at 03:39 PM

Shouldn't you be at work?

theconrodkid - 21/7/06 at 03:43 PM

even us menials get holidays

Spyderman - 21/7/06 at 03:53 PM

No, they are definately not all like that!
If you have a good one then hang on to her!
You may even want to hire her out to others with less particular partners!

donut - 21/7/06 at 04:04 PM

When she's finished round your house she can start on mine!!

Danozeman - 21/7/06 at 04:06 PM

sounds like you should marry her. The only time my missus has ever done that was the week before she had our baby!!

chockymonster - 21/7/06 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman
sounds like you should marry her. The only time my missus has ever done that was the week before she had our baby!!

You're falling into that trap It's funny how things like house cleaning, cooking, and other womanly duties stop getting done once the wedding ring is worn/

/ducks to avoid comments about sexism

DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 04:16 PM

I'd try and keep hold for now. I'm getting married in sept and the missus hasn't ironed a single thing all year! Not that it'd make any difference to my clothes mind. They seem to crumple up as I put them on.

Lawnmower - 21/7/06 at 04:31 PM

Was she been really noisy while cleaning? if she was it means get off that effing computer and help me do this instead.

of course she wont say that, will just keep dropping less sutbtle hints.

Originally posted by chockymonster

You're falling into that trap It's funny how things like house cleaning, cooking, and other womanly duties stop getting done once the wedding ring is worn/

/ducks to avoid comments about sexism

So what 'womenly duties' aren't you getting then?

[Edited on 21/7/06 by Lawnmower]

graememk - 21/7/06 at 04:40 PM

my other half cleans not stop. then i walk in and wash my garage hands in the kichen sink and make the new white towels all dirty, give her something to do...... bless her xxx he he he

rusty nuts - 21/7/06 at 04:43 PM

Get rid of her John if she hasn't cooked you a meal yet . Tell her the cleaning can wait !

coozer - 21/7/06 at 04:55 PM

This is how they are all made, but just like everything else only few do it. just remember it doesn't last so take the most of it as you can now.

Don't forget to show her the kitchen as well!

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 05:18 PM

Jeeze Johnik thats come around quick!

Welcome to Jo-ski

I dunno some of you guys!
You get a ring on a girls finger, then you turn into helpless children that are incapable of even picking up your own dirty socks etc off the floor, forget where the kettle is and how to use it..

And can't work out why the wife/g/f gets sooo pi**ed off....


DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 05:25 PM


You get a ring on a girls finger, then you turn into helpless children that are incapable of even picking up your own dirty socks etc off the floor, forget where the kettle is and how to use it

That's assuming we knew how to do it in the first place!

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si

You get a ring on a girls finger, then you turn into helpless children that are incapable of even picking up your own dirty socks etc off the floor, forget where the kettle is and how to use it

That's assuming we knew how to do it in the first place!

So very true.........

DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 05:32 PM

Well, not saying we're all rubbish. Just most of us! And I for one know how to use a kettle, but only because the missus refuses to get me coffee before 11am on a saturday.

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si
Well, not saying we're all rubbish. Just most of us! And I for one know how to use a kettle, but only because the missus refuses to get me coffee before 11am on a saturday.

Well done that man! A true hero!


rusty nuts - 21/7/06 at 06:00 PM

My Mrs has had tea in bed every morning this week if she wanted it or not!

theconrodkid - 21/7/06 at 06:07 PM

oh and she broke the hoover

DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 06:15 PM

Would it not be easier being gay, or becoming a monk?!

BKLOCO - 21/7/06 at 06:57 PM

Slightly off topic but what the heck.

To all you guys that are planning on getting married.....
An old boss of mine when I was an apprenticle once came out with this gem of wisdom....
Every time you have sex before you are married put a bean in a jar....
Once married every time you have sex take one out....
You'll die before you empty the jar....

theconrodkid - 21/7/06 at 07:05 PM

a monk?you been looking at my reclining hairstyle si?

fesycresy - 21/7/06 at 07:06 PM

You married the wrong girl

DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 07:12 PM

Reclining hair? Couldn't tell before, all I could see was a slightly fuzzy head!

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by fesycresy
You married the wrong girl

Brian, I have got to agree with fesycresy there.
Your boss married the wrong one.....


BKLOCO - 21/7/06 at 07:28 PM

Maybe it's just that times have changed eh?
The poor old bugger's probably dead now...
Wonder if he ever did empty the jar????

Originally posted by Fozzie
Originally posted by fesycresy
You married the wrong girl

Brian, I have got to agree with fesycresy there.
Your boss married the wrong one.....


Simon - 21/7/06 at 07:52 PM


Show her where the lawn mower/strimmer etc are kept, paint tins etc etc and give her instruction on how to use if required,

Fozzie, my missus has said our two boys are not leaving home until they can iron.

I told here where to get off, as they probably wouldn't leave, in that case.

Oh yeah, they are 3 11/12 and 5 7/12th years old



stevec - 21/7/06 at 08:34 PM

In the marrige vows, when the woman says "I do" It is short for,

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 09:21 PM

Nearly 4 and just over 5 1/2 years?.....just right to start learning,
Mrs Simon has the right idea...did the same with 2 of my boys, being determined that they would have no excuse whatsoever, to come home with washing once they had left, and that they could at least cook.. no excuse to come home to be fed either!
And before any of you start.....I also taught my daughter to change an electric plug, put 'flat-pack' furniture together, and paint and wallpaper....and NO she is not 'available'
Ya lazy loada of nambie-pambies...


DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 09:25 PM


Ya lazy loada of nambie-pambies

Me?! Lazy?! It's the only thing I work hard at!

matt.c - 21/7/06 at 09:27 PM

Your girl sounds great

I just spent this whole night cleaning the home from top to bottom while she sat on the sofa watching big brother!!!!!!

DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 09:45 PM

Silly boy, should've been out in the garage!

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by matt.c
Your girl sounds great

I just spent this whole night cleaning the home from top to bottom while she sat on the sofa watching big brother!!!!!!

Oooer, sorry to hear that!
As you have probably gathered, I am a great believer in both guys and gals doing their fair share of all chores around the house.

Big Brother? Ye Gods, I didn't think anyone watched that! Oh well.....


marcyboy - 21/7/06 at 09:53 PM

i don't think women should have the vote, they shouldn't be allowed to drive and they should just do as they're told when they're told and the same goes with the children too

Fozzie - 21/7/06 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by marcyboy
i don't think women should have the vote, they shouldn't be allowed to drive and they should just do as they're told when they're told and the same goes with the children too

You aren't by any chance 'henpecked/under the thumb' are you Marc?........
Thats a stock reaction and reply of one who is....


DIY Si - 21/7/06 at 10:21 PM

I've found it best to set jobs as being his/hers. I can't iron, so she does that. She can't wash up properly so I do this. That's about all I do though. But I do have to do all the fixing of things she breaks, so it kinda evens out. Ish.

Agriv8 - 21/7/06 at 11:17 PM

My missus is crap at cleanin and cookin but I wouldnt change her for the world.

My mum had me ironong and cooking for myself by 13 it was hard then but looking back made me helish indipendant

Ironing is good especially while half watching F1.

Cleaning aint too bad 5 hours 1 evening a week job done .( spend 3 times that tinkering driving my kit car )

Regards Agriv8

Simon - 21/7/06 at 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
Ironing is good especially while half watching F1.

Regards Agriv8

It's definately more interesting than F1 - and that's from someone who hasn't ironed anything in, errr ever



theconrodkid - 22/7/06 at 07:18 AM

i dont posses any ironing implements but i do like cooking,i know some men who cant even make tea
yup chores should be shared out and both sides should learn to do everything (except ironing)

marcyboy - 22/7/06 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Originally posted by marcyboy
i don't think women should have the vote, they shouldn't be allowed to drive and they should just do as they're told when they're told and the same goes with the children too

You aren't by any chance 'henpecked/under the thumb' are you Marc?........
Thats a stock reaction and reply of one who is....


i'm a lot of things fozzie...but i don't think henpecked is one of 'em

graememk - 22/7/06 at 07:41 AM

i'm lazy, i have my washing collected (good work colthing only) washed iron and delivered back for 80p per item


Aboardman - 22/7/06 at 08:09 AM

i live by myself and have done for the last 5 years, no girlfriend (only ever 1 had that was for 4 months and was 2.5 years ago, i am not gay), so i have to iron my own cloths, but been lazy i iron my work shirt just before i leave for work. i cannot cook as my oven as i never wired the thing up and have now used the fuse for the garage (in fact everthing is still in the oven still tied up including the instructions,)but i do have a grille microwave which has a great pizza setting.
i use a dishwasher to wash my plates. i go on holiday by myself, including skiing in canada, florida about 6 times, LA hawaii.
i go to concerts by self, madge, robbie, kyle, bon jovi*2, jacko, janet jackson, duran duran, take that (cannot belive i have just said that) and tickets for george michael (honest i am not gay).
i go to the pictures by myself (thank god for internet bookings as least i do not have to phone and ask for a ticket for 1).

so for all you blokes complaing about women do not it, can be a very lonely place been single.

[Edited on 22/7/06 by Aboardman]

Lawnmower - 22/7/06 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Aboardman
i live by myself and have done for the last 5 years, no girlfriend ....., i am not gay ......
i go to concerts by self, madge, robbie, kyle, bon jovi*2, jacko, janet jackson, duran duran, take that (cannot belive i have just said that) and tickets for george michael..............................................(honest i am not gay).

[Edited on 22/7/06 by Aboardman]


marcyboy - 22/7/06 at 08:21 PM

what no erasure or pet shop boys