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Will Bring a Tear To You Toughies eyes. RIP Peter Brock
Syd Bridge - 29/9/06 at 08:09 AM

I correspond with Les on occasions, I can only imagine what it was like for him. Very, very sad.


[Edited on 29/9/06 by Syd Bridge]

DarrenW - 29/9/06 at 08:22 AM

That certainly puts things into perspective. Very hard to read. Well written but very hard to read. At least he tried to help and seemed to know what to do.

RazMan - 29/9/06 at 08:25 AM

That was the most touching account that I have read in years .......

Danozeman - 29/9/06 at 03:07 PM

That was very touching... Something like that wil stick with you for years..

Confused but excited. - 29/9/06 at 03:10 PM

Christ, that made me choke up.
I hope that fukkin ghoul gets a right good kicking and his name and picture plastered all over the press.

akrallysport - 29/9/06 at 05:02 PM

Wow... the words I'm typing seem a bit blurry... (sniff) that's a tough one to take.