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IQ test
meany - 4/11/06 at 08:02 PM

i came out at
Imaginative Mastermind
IQ score is 131

DIY Si - 4/11/06 at 08:21 PM

120. Intuitive Investigator. Not sure on some answers, as I may have rushed it a bit. Or that's my excuse anyway!

Peteff - 4/11/06 at 08:29 PM

I don't go on Tickle website because they used to be one of the main sources of spam on my computer.

stevec - 4/11/06 at 08:32 PM

I went through the test but theres no way I am putting a email in to find out what thicko I am.

Mansfield - 4/11/06 at 08:32 PM

133, Complex Intellectual, apparentley.

This would explain why our dinner is burning while I completed this essential test.

Full results if I give my credit cards details - the site has just told me I have a high IQ, how stupid do they think I am?

mistergrumpy - 4/11/06 at 08:45 PM

Wierd. I just did this last week. 133 for me too but I don't believe it. And true, they must think you're daft to cough up your card details.

Mansfield - 4/11/06 at 08:50 PM

Dinner is not burnt because I didn't put the oven on the correct setting.

I generally score well in IQ tests but I feel the questions are tailored to my particular train of thought. I dont think it makes me clever, just that the people who mke up the tests think like me.

If I was clever I would earn much more and would not bother with the crap that I waste most of my time worrying about.

mistergrumpy - 4/11/06 at 09:05 PM

^Ditto that^

Spin8Spin - 4/11/06 at 09:09 PM

i got 125 and looking through the results i only got one wrong

andrew.carwithen - 4/11/06 at 09:13 PM

IQ 131
Apparently, I'm a creative theorist! (only 6 of us in every 1000! )

JackNco - 4/11/06 at 10:12 PM

ive done this one b4 and got 127, but the one i took a few years b4 got 131, so thats the one i boast about

DIY Si - 4/11/06 at 10:30 PM

I'm one of 6 in 1000 too! Or are there enough "special" people to make everyone that 6 in 1000?

watsonpj - 4/11/06 at 10:41 PM

Peter, your IQ score is 141

but I'm not that bright cos I always get suckered in to doing these stupid things that people post instead of being in the garage.

Simon - 4/11/06 at 11:19 PM

120 - and another 6 in 1000.

Not bad (I don't think), for someone who left school with one "O" Level.

Imagine what I'd be like if I'd had an education



JoelP - 5/11/06 at 12:05 AM

how do you get the result? It asks for a credit card nbumber...

jheezus i got 152 a creative thinker apparently. is that because i used a ruler to measure the bastard shapes?!

Do you know its nice to have people butter you up when you come home pissed and burning with curry, and they tell you crap like this.... worryingly, the last sentence sounds true!

You are a highly intelligent, complex person. You process all kinds of information easily, using the power of both your creative and analytic abilities. In any situation, you know how to extract the most valuable details and use them to understand the larger picture. Most people do not have your talent of being able to spot both numerical and visual patterns.

Your highly imaginative mind allows you to be innovative, and conjure up notions of what could be. In some circles this is called "thinking outside the box" and is considered an extremely valuable asset. However, not everyone is prepared for such an active imagination and you may find you have to spend time convincing people of your great ideas. It might behoove you to find others like you, who are able to understand how your mind works.

Here's an example of your Creative Theorist thinking skills at work in a real-life situation:

You go to a symphony with a bunch of friends. The way the conductor moves his arms during the performance makes you think of patterns you have studied in physics. You remember the movement of a pendulum and how a cradle rocks back and forth in the same motion, and you tell yourself that you are going to dig up your old school books just to brush up on other related concepts. When the concert ends, you feel compelled to tell your friends about the beautiful intersection you witnessed between science and art. They'll most likely see what you mean, but they would never have come up with the association on their own. Thank goodness you think the way you do!

[Edited on 5/11/06 by JoelP]

hillbillyracer - 5/11/06 at 12:25 AM

I got 141 & i'm an intuitive investigator.
But more importantly I'm one of only 6 in every 1000 so I am truly special, I already knew that cos my mates often tell me I'm "special".
What bollox anyway if I have an IQ of 141 why am I an Agric Engineer??!!

BusaLoco - 5/11/06 at 05:50 AM

only 131

spunky - 5/11/06 at 10:20 AM

141 for me also...

'imaginative mastermind and 6 in every 1000'

So why am i bloody unemployed....


whitestu - 5/11/06 at 10:48 AM

I got ..... Bored after question 20.

emsfactory - 5/11/06 at 01:22 PM

131, Complex Intellectual.
I also am 6 in a 1000.

DIY Si - 9/11/06 at 08:01 PM

Yup, received my "your wonderful" e-mail this afternoon. Forgot to check which ones I got wrong though.

spunky - 9/11/06 at 08:16 PM


I see, when you delete a double post because you're thick and cant use a mouse, it deletes both of them...

Anyway, the gist was about recieving a free report 'cos i'm special!!!!

and got the only question pertaining to anything automotive wrong.


[Edited on 9/11/06 by spunky]

flak monkey - 9/11/06 at 08:35 PM


Visual Linguist

DIY Si - 9/11/06 at 08:56 PM

In which case will you stop looking at me in that tone of voice?!

coozer - 9/11/06 at 09:03 PM

This is me:

Stephen, your IQ score is 125

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you an Analytic Detective. This means you are an unusually talented problem-solver. You are able to think through a process step-by-step, and know how to zero in on anything that is even remotely illogical. Compared to others you are very adept at discerning numerical patterns and solving difficult equations.

PaulBuz - 9/11/06 at 09:31 PM

Intuitive Investigator
Also only 6 in a 1000 apparently....Anyone noticing a pattern here??

[Edited on 9/11/06 by PaulBuz]

[Edited on 9/11/06 by PaulBuz]

smart51 - 9/11/06 at 09:59 PM

133 and Creative theorist. I notice that all the replies to this post are above the 100 average. Is the test wrong, do only brainy people build locosts or are all the thickos keeping quiet?

iank - 9/11/06 at 10:06 PM

or is the test rigged to make people think they are clever so they tell all their mates, in order keep people coming to the site and handing over their email addresses? Which are then sold to spammers...

cynical, me?

[Edited on 9/11/06 by iank]

JoelP - 9/11/06 at 10:25 PM

must say, even though i clicked all the 'do not contact me' boxes, i seem to be recieving more span than usual

and some spam too

[Edited on 9/11/06 by JoelP]

Peteff - 9/11/06 at 10:27 PM

They sent me some pictures of wood as my results, two short planks was their wording They also wanted to know if I was allowed out unsupervised and who switched the computer on for me.

[Edited on 9/11/06 by Peteff]