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Ideal job predictor
3GEComponents - 12/1/07 at 12:40 PM

I always knew i was too good for the job i am doing.

nib1980 - 12/1/07 at 12:44 PM

well aparrently I'm in a land far far away?

smart51 - 12/1/07 at 12:46 PM

My dad's ideal job is Satan.

3GEComponents - 12/1/07 at 12:48 PM

My brothers a Ho, so it's quite accurate!

oily85 - 12/1/07 at 12:54 PM

Mine is a rally car driver, not bad
My boss's name came up as God

macnab - 12/1/07 at 01:01 PM

My sister job would be a 'brain surgeon' oh yeah right

Satan’s a 'super hero'

Gods an 'Alien Investigator'

and a Melon's a 'Top Gun Pilot'

Very impressive tool, not

[Edited on 12/1/07 by macnab]

jlparsons - 12/1/07 at 01:16 PM

Apparently I am the emporer of all the world. This i can dig

Hammerhead - 12/1/07 at 01:24 PM

Cowboy ?!

graememk - 12/1/07 at 01:25 PM


macnab - 12/1/07 at 01:40 PM

Originally posted by jlparsons
Apparently I am the emporer of all the world. This i can dig

hey that's my current job!

I love speed :-P - 12/1/07 at 01:46 PM

I am a Dodgem Driver

Nick Skidmore - 12/1/07 at 02:11 PM

Playing for Aberdeen!!

DIY Si - 12/1/07 at 02:14 PM

I'm a superhero and the wife's a Palaeontologist! Interesting combination!

stevec - 12/1/07 at 02:51 PM

Rabbit slayer!

SeaBass - 12/1/07 at 03:01 PM

I'm the President lol

akumabito - 12/1/07 at 03:21 PM

Real name: Prime Minister
Internet Alias: Jungle Explorer

Girlfriend's real name: Funeral Director
Her nickname: Air Stewardess

lol, I wish I was a jungle explorer! That would be awesome!

DIY Si - 12/1/07 at 03:31 PM

Hurrah, just used the wife's full name, and she's a porn star!

3GEComponents - 12/1/07 at 04:21 PM

Hey Si, result!

RazMan - 12/1/07 at 04:28 PM

Apparently I'm a Village Idiot and swmbo's a Dodgem Driver !

No change there then

[Edited on 12-1-07 by RazMan]

t.j. - 12/1/07 at 04:31 PM

Retail Store Manager

Not bad, now what is that salary?

RoadkillUK - 12/1/07 at 04:48 PM

Spinster with Cats !!

I need comfort, where my kitty

PaulBuz - 12/1/07 at 04:52 PM

porn star:

Spyderman - 12/1/07 at 05:02 PM

How did it know ???

I'm a Professional Hippy

Marcus - 12/1/07 at 05:21 PM

Saw this a couple of years ago. Showed it to a colleague and he asked me to email it to him. I did, but changed the spreadsheet so that it came up with TWAT for every name. He forwarded it to his boss without looking - that was an interesting day at work

Browser - 12/1/07 at 06:10 PM

"What you're doing now"

JamJah - 12/1/07 at 10:23 PM

The password protection isnt up to much...
The complete list:
1 Prime Minister
2 Litter Warden
3 Headteacher
4 Traffic Warden
5 Unemployed
6 Pole Dancer
7 Gigolo
8 Stripper
9 Paleantologist
10 Chef
11 Retail Store Manager
12 Rally Car Driver
13 Village Idiot
14 Quiz Show Contestant
15 Air Steward(ess)
16 Trained Assassin
17 Playing for Rangers
18 Satan
19 Anything except what you're doing now
20 Office Gopher
21 Sewage Worker
22 Hypnotist
23 Monkey Impressionist
24 Soap Actor (ie. River City)
25 Jungle Explorer
26 Housekeeper
27 Topless Model
28 Professional Shopper
29 Professional Tramp
30 Shoplifting
31 Psycho-Therapist
32 Lumberjack
33 Insurance Fraudster
34 Dodgem Driver
35 Emperor of all the world
36 President
37 Teaching Pensioners to Drive
38 Suicide Bomber
39 Lap Dancer
40 Professional Hippy
41 Heavyweight Boxer
42 Stand Up Comedian
43 Human Shield
44 Funeral Director
45 Muppet Impersonator
46 Office numpty
47 Brain Surgeon
48 God
49 Dog Walker
50 Playing for Aberdeen
51 Computer Nerd
52 Alien investigator
53 Prostitute
54 Dentist
55 The job you have now
56 Vibrator Tester
57 Fluffy Bunny Trainer
58 Sandwich Board Advertising
59 In a land far, far away
60 Between the hours of 12 and 1pm on days with a W in them
61 Porn Star
62 Church Minister
63 Nice Old Man
64 Mime Artist
65 Reality TV Show star
66 Street Sweeper
67 Big Game Hunter
68 Supermodel
69 Superhero
70 Panto Dame
71 Movie star
72 Rear End of Panto Cow
73 Second-Hand Car Salesman
74 Internet Hacker
75 Cowboy
76 Astrologer
77 Astronaut
78 Spinster with cats
79 Top Gun Pilot
80 Clown
81 Bearded Lady in the circus
82 Kids TV Presenter
83 Evil boss
84 Nursery Teacher
85 As the Local always in the pub whenever you walk in
86 Ho
87 Circus Freak
88 Pirate
89 Mad Scientist
90 Pro Football Player
91 Goal Scoring Superstar Hero
92 Nun
93 Puppeteer
94 Rabbit Slayer
95 Porn Star
96 Garden Gnome
97 Permanent Temp
98 Wicked Witch of the West
99 Animal Therapist
100 … who are you kidding, you work?

robinj66 - 12/1/07 at 10:44 PM

Originally posted by nib1980
well aparrently I'm in a land far far away?

Do you mean you are the Prime Minister?