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Opening u2u's
jacko - 15/9/07 at 08:07 AM

Hi all i can't open my u2u to read any one else got this problem

nludkin - 15/9/07 at 08:08 AM

Works for me... You haven't just installed a popup blocker have you? as that will kill it!

jacko - 15/9/07 at 08:12 AM

No it was ok last night
ps the box comes on then goes off

[Edited on 15/9/07 by jacko]

nludkin - 15/9/07 at 08:18 AM

What machine / OS / Browser are you using?

jacko - 15/9/07 at 08:23 AM

Can you send me a u2u to see if that dose anything
Thanks Jacko

nludkin - 15/9/07 at 08:33 AM

Just sent one..

RazMan - 15/9/07 at 08:38 AM

Originally posted by jacko
No it was ok last night
ps the box comes on then goes off

Sounds like a popup killer has kicked in somehow.

jacko - 15/9/07 at 08:39 AM

Thanks still no go i think it may have something to do with Karoo i live in Hull so no BT lines only Kingston telephones
i will try later thanks Graham

nludkin - 15/9/07 at 08:56 AM

The other thing that it could be is "Ad" killer applications. Sometimes you can have extra parameters on URL's that ad programs mistake for being from an "advertiser" and subsequently kill the popup. I had that very problem when developing a web application on an apple mac with firefox.

If you can see the window momentarily before it's killed then it will be some form of software locally that's killing it.

kipper - 15/9/07 at 05:15 PM

U2u is working for me and I am on Karoo.
Regards Kipper.

jacko - 15/9/07 at 06:09 PM

Still no go i wonder what it could be ?
if i press ctrl button and the u2u button i can get to read them . It puts pop up is blocked on the bar at the bottom off the page

jacko - 15/9/07 at 09:04 PM

All ok know, thanks for the help everyone