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New sportscar injures plato
nitram38 - 14/10/07 at 12:16 PM

Those of you watching the BTCC know this already.
What I didn't realise was that it was this car.

mookaloid - 14/10/07 at 12:19 PM

also here



tbutcher - 14/10/07 at 01:29 PM

Not a great advert for a new car but hopefully Plato will still win BTCC.

A bit off topic but I wonder what some of the people here could build with £210,000, surely it would be something equally as impressive.

sgraber - 14/10/07 at 01:39 PM

I could probably get you to the moon and back with that kind of money!

On topic - what a horrible event for plato. Even I know who he is over here in the uneducated US-of-A! And such horrible publicity for Caparro.

nick205 - 14/10/07 at 02:49 PM

£210,000 would build you an awful lot of car.

Titanium this, carbon fibre that........mmmmm

Shame about the incident although it doesn't sound major if he plans to comete again so soon. The Caparo's in existence (1 less now) must still be considered prototype and development vehicles so it's not unsurpirsing really.

Also didn't they opt to design their own engine rather than use an "off the shelf" unit?

Dangle_kt - 14/10/07 at 04:06 PM

did you see his interview prior to the race today???

he is a MESS!! Amazed he managed to drive - reakon he was on ALOT of powerful painkillers.

Burns are considered to be the most painful of all injuries - people die from bad ones.

Brave bloke! Thumbs up from me!

GWS plato

MkIndy7 - 14/10/07 at 04:17 PM

yeh in the interview he reckoned a fireball came back out of the airbox and down into the cockpit, engulfing his head etc.

Nasty accident, just wondering what could have caused it, timing belt going maybe? might drop the valves and keep squirting fuel in then ignight and track back from the cylinder whilst it sprays more fuel in!

Confused but excited. - 14/10/07 at 06:14 PM

Not buying one of those then!

jimmyjoebob - 14/10/07 at 06:25 PM

I hope he recovers quickly.

For that price, couldn't the designers have tried to make the car attractive? There seems to be too many manufacturers adopting the bristol principle - if in doubt, make it pig ugly.

[Edited on 14/10/07 by jimmyjoebob]

Agriv8 - 16/10/07 at 11:36 AM

Just looking at that after the Topgear referance on Sunday night .

Looked at the speck and wander if the engine that let go was one of the ones which is derived from 2 hyabusa ( is it also fitted in an SRV8 or somthing similar )
cant remeber who produces it but had heard that is was delicate :

Editted to add :-

Possibly this one ? bike v8



[Edited on 16/10/07 by Agriv8]

Spyderman - 16/10/07 at 11:58 AM

This was on Fifth Gear last night. To be repeated on Saturday Morning 10am.

It seems the engine was from the Nascar engine developers so is a "normal" V8.
From what I remember (wasn't really paying that much attention) the fire was caused by a broken oil breather or return pipe.

Seeing the car on screen, didn't inspire enthusiasm from me as I thought it looked very crude and rough!
My first impression was of a poorly built kitcar that was typical of about 20 years ago.
I have seen a lot more impressive home built cars at shows and on here. It certainly didn't look worth the ridiculous price tag.

Watch it Saturday and decide for yourselves. If you don't like the program then just watch the last 15 minutes.

bob - 16/10/07 at 12:04 PM

I did wonder why the facial neck and hand burnes were so bad, i cant believe he did this test on a track with jeans and a shirt on with just a crash helmet.

sgraber - 20/10/07 at 03:10 PM

I saw the car in person at the SEMA show last year in Vegas and it is a lovely bit of kit. All Carbon-fiber and Ti and machined bits. Honestly not kit-ish at all imho.

But for God's Sake! Was there no firewall to protect between the engine bay and the cockpit!? SERIOUS DEFECT ALERT!

MikeRJ - 20/10/07 at 09:19 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjoebob
I hope he recovers quickly.

For that price, couldn't the designers have tried to make the car attractive? There seems to be too many manufacturers adopting the bristol principle - if in doubt, make it pig ugly.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it looks barf-worthy.

Definite thumbs up to Mr Plato though, can't have been easy concentrating on racing with that kind of injury.