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Benzine - 16/4/08 at 09:21 PM

I saw the Vulcan take off today at RAF Cottesmore. Blimey, the noise was amazing Dad said he saw 9 fly over him once, I can't imagine what that would have sounded like

Some pics i took:

onzarob - 16/4/08 at 09:25 PM

I remember seing one at a RAF airshow when I was a child, it took off then when vertical.........never forgot it amazing

onzarob - 16/4/08 at 09:25 PM

I remember seing one at a RAF airshow when I was a child, it took off then when vertical.........never forgot it amazing

mookaloid - 16/4/08 at 09:28 PM

Awesome things - i used to see them at airshows when i was a kid.

i hope they get it back on the airshow circuit cos i'll be watching

Volvorsport - 16/4/08 at 09:29 PM

noisy gits , living next door to them can be a PIA

LBMEFM - 16/4/08 at 09:30 PM

It's really amazing isn't it, I have seen them at airshows it's almost surreal, so graceful. I thought they had all run out of hours but obviously not.

mookaloid - 16/4/08 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by LBMEFM
It's really amazing isn't it, I have seen them at airshows it's almost surreal, so graceful. I thought they had all run out of hours but obviously not.

I think that one has been fully rebuilt

Mr Whippy - 16/4/08 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Originally posted by LBMEFM
It's really amazing isn't it, I have seen them at airshows it's almost surreal, so graceful. I thought they had all run out of hours but obviously not.

I think that one has been fully rebuilt

yeah just finished it aswell if it the same one in my plane mag. Looked a nightmare to do

onzarob - 16/4/08 at 10:33 PM

It fully restored, which is great, I think the last time they were used was the Fauklands.

Chippy - 16/4/08 at 10:58 PM

Flew in one in 1959 when in the RAF, most boring 14 hr's I have ever spent. They used to do a radar calibration run for the ground stations, so fixed height, fixed speed and fixed track. Only good part was got to sit in the captains seat for an hour, "just don't touch anything", Cheers Ray

trextr7monkey - 17/4/08 at 06:13 AM

One crashed near us when I was at school- one guy who'd been naughty- was standing outside and saw it go over with bit sof glowing metal coming off.
I'm afraid I was inside at the time!

locoR1 - 17/4/08 at 06:23 AM

Originally posted by onzarob
I remember seing one at a RAF airshow when I was a child, it took off then when vertical.........never forgot it amazing

Same here my main memory was the noise and the ground shaking as it went vertical don't think i will ever forget it probably because i almost shit my self