posted on 16/5/05 at 09:22 PM |
Help - Fuel Hose
Does anybody know where we can purchase some flexible 2" ID fuel hose. I'm sure I've seen some spiral bound stuff that is extremely
flexible. Just can't for the life of me remember where
Mark Allanson
posted on 16/5/05 at 09:23 PM |
Trawler supply place, I saw a load when I was getting my exhaust wrap
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 16/5/05 at 09:27 PM |
europa sell some
espensive though
posted on 16/5/05 at 09:30 PM |
MAC1 sell it
posted on 16/5/05 at 09:33 PM |
they have a large selection and should have a supplier near you
posted on 16/5/05 at 10:55 PM |
One source of genuinely flexible filler hose is from ThinkAuto. Scroll down nearly to the bottom of the
page of their online shop. Will bend to 180 degrees without collapsing.
[Edited on 16/5/05 by Dusty]
[Edited on 16/5/05 by Dusty]
posted on 17/5/05 at 11:24 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Hellfire
I'm sure I've seen some. Just can't for the life of me remember where
Aaaah bleedin ell yes. It's the place down the road where we get all our hoses from. Cheers for all the replies anyway.
Mr Memory Man ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
posted on 15/6/05 at 02:24 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mark Allanson
Trawler supply place, I saw a load when I was getting my exhaust wrap
Can you give a few more details about this ? Im after wrap and big ID fuel hose. Have you got a number ? will they post some to me ? ? ? and also was
it cheaper than going to the like of Europa etc ?
[Edited on 15/6/05 by Jeffers_S13]
barrie sharp
posted on 15/6/05 at 03:01 PM |
Have you tryed www.nfautos.co.uk look in the gates tubing section
the cars looking good" a blind man would be pleased to see it"
''stop press'' the blind mans seen it said "it felt ok"