posted on 4/2/07 at 05:18 PM |
wee red hazard light thingy
I'm lookin for one of the wee hazard light push button thingys off a sierra column. Seem to have lost mine somehow! the switch is ok, just
missing the red bit. Anybody got one lying around going spare?
[Edited on 4/2/07 by scotlad]
slim Jim
posted on 4/2/07 at 05:59 PM |
Is it a round or square button you are after?
I have a round one spare, if it is any use drop me a U2U with your address and I will get it on its way to you.
Cheers Jim
posted on 4/2/07 at 06:04 PM |
I think there are a couple of different types. I've got a spare which is yours for the price of... U2Uing me your name and address, if it will
  Rescued attachment Hazard switch.JPG
posted on 4/2/07 at 08:04 PM |
excellent cheers guys.
I'll go with humbug as i think its the one i need in the picture. U2U coming thru
Thanks for the offer slimjim- I'll u2u if this ones not the right one.
[Edited on 4/2/07 by scotlad]