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Author: Subject: We got f*** by Darren George

posted on 3/7/12 at 07:41 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by mookaloid

I think you are being a bit harsh there mate - As far as I can see Eddie has done his best for some time to help people but eventually even he has fallen out with Darren. The fault here seems to lie solely with Mr Darren George.


Holy... to Eddie and all his friends. This was not attempted to wee you guys off. But what I can't understand is why noone has ended this. Helping people to get their money back is a nice gesture, but still people get fucked by Darren. If Eddie knows him, it should be possible to talk to him, and tell him to close down his business. If he is not willing to do so, I am sure that talking to the police will change his mind.
But none of that was done, right?
It's hard to get someone defending your rights, when you don't even know for sure the correct adress of the person who ows you money.

Understand? Kind Regards

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posted on 3/7/12 at 07:46 PM Reply With Quote
Tracey, I have no real knowledge of the legal system and conveyancing and you may already have looked into this, but I'm fairly sure that your claim for compensation would be against your own solicitor. As your solicitor is no longer trading, your claim would be against whatever insurance company he had his professional indemnity insurance with. To sort that, you really need to instruct another solicitor to take an action against the first/his insurers. Many of them offer a free half-hour consultation - my wife's employment problems were sorted out simply by advising her employer of what "our solicitor" had told us during just such a consultation.
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posted on 3/7/12 at 07:49 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Chresten8
Originally posted by mookaloid

I think you are being a bit harsh there mate - As far as I can see Eddie has done his best for some time to help people but eventually even he has fallen out with Darren. The fault here seems to lie solely with Mr Darren George.


Holy... to Eddie and all his friends. This was not attempted to wee you guys off. But what I can't understand is why noone has ended this. Helping people to get their money back is a nice gesture, but still people get fucked by Darren. If Eddie knows him, it should be possible to talk to him, and tell him to close down his business. If he is not willing to do so, I am sure that talking to the police will change his mind.
But none of that was done, right?
It's hard to get someone defending your rights, when you don't even know for sure the correct adress of the person who ows you money.

Understand? Kind Regards

I think you expect too much. If Eddie and Darren have fallen out it means that Darren no longer listens to anything that Eddie says. It is not reasonable for you to expect anyone over here to go and see Darren for you. Please do go to the police or consult a British Solicitor use the Small Claims Court - these are your options.

"That thing you're thinking - it wont be that."

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posted on 3/7/12 at 07:51 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Chresten8
... to Eddie and all his friends. This was not attempted to wee you guys off. But what I can't understand is why noone has ended this. Helping people to get their money back is a nice gesture, but still people get fucked by Darren. If Eddie knows him, it should be possible to talk to him, and tell him to close down his business. If he is not willing to do so, I am sure that talking to the police will change his mind.
But none of that was done, right?
It's hard to get someone defending your rights, when you don't even know for sure the correct adress of the person who ows you money.

Understand? Kind Regards

Chresten... understand this matey!

Eddie is not a business associate of GTS. Nor is he the man who runs the Locostbuilders website. He is just another member. A guy like you and me! He just happens to know DG and he tried to resolve a few problems that were aired on here to be HELPFUL! So it didn't work!? That's not Eddie's fault!

I think you need to wind your neck in and focus your angry energies SOLELY on GTS! As any sympathy that was coming your way for falling victim to the DG swindle is quickly starting to fade!

It's Evolution Baby!

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posted on 3/7/12 at 07:51 PM Reply With Quote
Darren George GTS Tuning

More than happy that Eddie is a nice guy. Still way out of my depth, but grateful for his help. T
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posted on 3/7/12 at 07:57 PM Reply With Quote
Darren George

ps have just been informed correctly this time, who our solicitors insurers are. Have lodged application against them to solicitors covering complaints - waiting to hear, but not holding out much hope - been a long slog, but you never know, may be sorted. New info about restriction to pay off DG's bill to a courier company in Essex finished me off. Thank you to the post who mentioned this, all help gratefully received. Thank you. T
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posted on 3/7/12 at 08:02 PM Reply With Quote

Chresten... understand this matey!

Eddie is not a business associate of GTS. Nor is he the man who runs the Locostbuilders website. He is just another member. A guy like you and me! He just happens to know DG and he tried to resolve a few problems that were aired on here to be HELPFUL! So it didn't work!? That's not Eddie's fault!

I think you need to wind your neck in and focus your angry energies SOLELY on GTS! As any sympathy that was coming your way for falling victim to the DG swindle is quickly starting to fade!

Still I don't think you get this rigth. I am not angry!!! I am just confused, why nothing has been done to get to the root of this problem. You're saying Eddie is a nice guy... I believe you - But why didn't take any further steps? It would have been much more relaxing for him as well. I can't imagine it to be fun trying to sort out problems that Darren causes each time he bumps a new customer.


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posted on 3/7/12 at 08:16 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Chresten8
You're saying Eddie is a nice guy...

I didn't, but I have no reason to suspect that he's not a nice guy.

Originally posted by Chresten8
But why didn't he take any further steps?...

Like what!?

It's Evolution Baby!

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D Beddows

posted on 3/7/12 at 08:16 PM Reply With Quote
Surely it's time Locostbuilders distanced itself from Darren - a sticky at the top of the subforum saying he's a bit of a crook allegedly (in nicer legal terms) or something perhaps ........ BORED BORED BORED with all these 'he ripped me of' threads, it's what he does, it's what he always does......... he's a muppet
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posted on 3/7/12 at 08:18 PM Reply With Quote

If you're that bothered about DG could I ask what YOU have done about ???

You've got his address now so what's YOUR next move ??

Other than coming on here of course and having a go and someone who did try to help out other members.
I spoke to Ed when thinking of ordering some bits from GTS - he gave me sound honest advice which resulted in no order being placed.

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posted on 3/7/12 at 08:41 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Wheels244

If you're that bothered about DG could I ask what YOU have done about ???

You've got his address now so what's YOUR next move ??

Other than coming on here of course and having a go and someone who did try to help out other members.
I spoke to Ed when thinking of ordering some bits from GTS - he gave me sound honest advice which resulted in no order being placed.

Hey, so now you think you're being smart.
Be happy that you were warned in time but don't talk about stuff you haven't seen yourself. Or maybe you have enough money that 1000 pounds is nothing to bother about. But you were asking for the steps that I took.

Let me check:

1) I wrote 4 mails asking Darren to get this issues settled - didn't work (but ok that wasn't too much effort)
2) I talked to my bank but since I wasn't fast enough (in between 2 weeks) they couldn't help me to get back my money.
3) I talked to my solicitor in germany (yes I am not living in UK, which doesn't really symplify things)
4) The solicitor wasn't able to help, cause it was Great Britain, but he knew a colleque in UK who wrote Darren.
5) I waited again (that's what I always did - you really have to wait a lot)
still no responce
6) Than I wrote a letter a dunning letter
7) Now I will go for a court claim

You know what's funny? I am the one who lost 1000 pounds. But it seems in this forum there's noone who actually wants to make a change.
That's sad but since I know how much effort it takes (I had to figure out myself) I don't blame anybody for it.


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posted on 3/7/12 at 08:56 PM Reply With Quote
it seems in this forum there's noone who actually wants to make a change.


I think pretty much everyone on this forum would want Darren George to change. What I don't understand is what you expect us to do about it?

The way the Law works in this country is that the injured party - you in this case - must go to the court to get satisfaction for your complaint. None of us can do this for you. It's very simple.

"That thing you're thinking - it wont be that."

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posted on 3/7/12 at 10:03 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by mookaloid
it seems in this forum there's noone who actually wants to make a change.


The way the Law works in this country is that the injured party

Good quote but wrong Imagine the following situation. You see someone getting robbed on the street. This bad person who is now running away with a big bag full of money used to be a friend of yours. But you are a nice guy so when the victim askes you for help you give him all the required information immediately. Story end

Until now I haven't received a working phone number and I am still not sure which of those adresses that fly around in this forum is the correct one now. Eddie hasn't told me how to get a hand on him.

Anyhow, story has ended long before...

Have a good night... No bad feelings please, I was just hoping to find someone I can rely on, when it comes to details about Darren George.
But I guess it's fun to have a topic causing so many threats in this forum.

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Mr C

posted on 4/7/12 at 04:33 PM Reply With Quote
You ould also try the gt 40 forum though t looks like he's burning his bridges there as well

Girl walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the barman gave her one

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