posted on 26/11/17 at 12:37 AM |
7" (or wider)x 15" alloys Ford PCD 4x108
As it says above I need preferably Wolfrace (or similar ) slot mags..only 2 required for rear of car...virtually ANYTHING considered
Please PM me..
Revolution 5 spokes certainly acceptable also
[Edited on 27/11/17 by cb500t]
Charlie C
posted on 27/11/17 at 11:20 AM |
I have a set of wheels for sale the details are here eBay Item![](http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5574934589&toolid=10001&campid=5336738914&customid=&item=123456&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER])
posted on 27/11/17 at 11:27 AM |
Many thanks for info but I need more of a dish to the rim..