posted on 19/8/07 at 05:15 PM |
WANTED...Front wings
Having changed my mind at the last second I have decided not to fit the swept wings and go for cycle wings instead....
Does anyone have a pair of front cycle wings for sale? [If you have some brackets to fit sierra uprights with sierra offset wheels that would also
be handy!]
(And does anyone want a pair of un-used GRP swept wings?)
[Edited on 19/8/07 by tegwin]
The Great Fandango
posted on 19/8/07 at 07:09 PM |
I have some black GRP cycle wings from a Luego Velocity kit I bought earlier in the year.
Within a week I'd bought 205mm rubber and had to whip them off to accomodate the bigger tyres.
These are either Luego or MK in origin.
Someone else might be able to be more specific but all I can tell you these are the ones where the inside edge lipping is raised in two places to
accomodate the brackets
Needless to say they are : -
1. Pretty much as new
2. Will fit nothing bigger than 195mm
Where are you based? I live in Leeds, West Yorkshire but work in Lonbon. If you live on route I can drop them off on a Friday evening.
[Edited on 19/8/07 by The Great Fandango]
He Who Dies With The Most Toys Dies The Happiest
posted on 19/8/07 at 07:10 PM |
Really silly question....Are you measuring the 195mm across the top of the tyre?...(so basically the width of the arch?
The Great Fandango
posted on 19/8/07 at 07:15 PM |
195mm is the total width of rubber that can fit under the cycle wing.
![](/galpreviews/cycle wings.jpg) ![Good view of cycle wings](/gallery/cycle wings.jpg) Good view of cycle wings
The photo above is the actual cycle wings I'm talking about
He Who Dies With The Most Toys Dies The Happiest
posted on 20/8/07 at 08:50 AM |
whre are you? I also have a pair of black cycle wings for sale.
posted on 20/8/07 at 08:53 AM |
Im in Malvern, Worcestershire... Where are you?
I dont supose anyone has photos of how the brackets usually attach to the hubs?
posted on 21/8/07 at 08:42 AM |
![](/galpreviews/Wing mount.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/Wing mount.jpg) Description
This help?