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RGB - further decline?
TimC - 7/9/07 at 04:10 PM

Just been having a read of this:

I womder if the decline in grids over the past few seasons will continue next year? It amazes me when you think of some of the dull racing that I've seen in other classes that RGB struggles.

Does anybody want to buy a kidney so I can buy Gordon's Mission?

progers - 7/9/07 at 06:00 PM


Just because a few people are selling their cars does not indicate a decline in numbers! We have seen at least 5 new faces this year (including two at Silverstone) and there are several newbies in the wings so I'm told.

I think numbers next year will be roughly the same i.e around 25 cars per round. Its a healthy number, although a few more would be more than welcome.



TimC - 7/9/07 at 06:03 PM


It was just a question - which you've answered. On one hand it'll be sad to lose long-time competitors like Mike Field and GG but on th other hand new blood is great news. I'm just a jealous long-time spectator.


Dangle_kt - 7/9/07 at 07:45 PM

could you just enter one race that is near you and not compete in the rest of the season? A bit like a wildcard?

I love the thrill of racing (motorbikes) and would love to try my hand at this, but a week in week out commitment is out of the question for me unfortunatly!

progers - 7/9/07 at 08:19 PM

There are several people who race just a few rounds each year. There are around 40+ people actually registered for the championship and around 20 of them are the "hardcore" who turn up for most of the races. As long as you are registered and have a race license you can dip in and out as much as you like.

I can understand that for many people racing every round is a bridge too far. A season is normally 9 rounds over the period between March and Sept with 14 races in total (some rounds are double headers). So if you chose wisely you can do quite a few races and only commit a few weekends in the year.

Trouble is it does get addictive :-)

Tim - I think GG is not actually going away, if he doesn't sell the Mission he will probably do several races next year, his main aim is just to spend a bit more time with his young family. He won't be away for long.

Anyone want to buy a competitive Class B car?, I fancy going Class A next year.

- Paul

brycheiniog - 1/10/07 at 11:21 PM

So did Derek manage to win the championship then?


progers - 3/10/07 at 07:03 AM


Derek won class C and the overall championship, although not without incident as he snapped a front wishbone in practice which meant some rather rapid repairs had to be made before the 1st race! Well deserved victory, the guy is a talented driver.

- Paul

ernie - 3/10/07 at 04:17 PM

RBG is reasonably supported. What I cant work out is why Caterhams whose average turn out is only 7, gets 18mins & 28 mins then changed to allcomers. We could have scrubbed them and extended others (locost & MR2) to 20min