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Sedgefield Classic Car show - 17th June
DarrenW - 16/6/08 at 09:33 PM

In aid of butterwick hospice.

As per Robs earlier post - here is weblink

Looks like its on 17.00 - 21.00

Rob - have you pre-booked?
I wont be able to get there until 8 ish at the earliest - will that be too late~?

U2U me your mobile number please? Who else is going?

Robert Ryan - 17/6/08 at 07:16 AM

Hi Darren

we should be there untill around 9.30pm.

Cheers Rob

DarrenW - 18/6/08 at 11:18 AM

Where did you all get to???

i went for a walk to see the other cars on show at 8.20. By the time i got back down at 8.30 you were all disappearing down the road!

It was a nice 30 minute show though. Shame i cant make Bishop next week

marco - 18/6/08 at 10:00 PM


The rain came and we went just as quick, was a bit hairy in the wet with R888's on

DarrenW - 19/6/08 at 07:26 AM

Did you get rain all the way back? I just got outside Sedgefield and the sun came out again.