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General threads in specific sections.
Findlay234 - 14/12/09 at 05:55 PM

Sort of a rant, sort of just a plea.

Ive noticed a number of general threads in specific sections that would benefit everyone and would benefit from everyone seeing them to be able to answer. Threads such as tyre wear (in the BEC section) carbon mirrors (again the BEC section) and the spot the difference thread (in the tiger avon section) the fact that its a tiger avon probably didnt cause the incident so should be in another section. The carbon mirrors and the tyre wear questions dont really have anything to do with BEC's specifically.

I was interested in the tyre wear thread because id like to be able to diagnose any problems that may occur in the future and looking at the tyre wear can indicate issues. I generally dont look in the BEC section as ive built a CEC and wouldnt want to trawl through all the sections to get info that would be pertinant to my build (thats why the sections are there arent they?). So I might have missed that thread if i didnt see it on the front page.

Am I being too pedantic in this or do others feel the same way? If its the former then ill shut up and move on, if its the latter then maybe the moderators could move threads that they deem to be in the wrong sections like they do on some other forums.... if thats a lot of work to do and/or no one else agrees then please ignore me

This is only my opionion and I could be very wrong.


mads - 14/12/09 at 05:59 PM

hear hear! completely agree... though may have something to do with my OCD!

daviep - 14/12/09 at 06:14 PM

Can't say it upsets me, I only ever look at the front page or I use the search function if I'm looking for info on a specific topic.

blakep82 - 14/12/09 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by daviep
Can't say it upsets me, I only ever look at the front page or I use the search function if I'm looking for info on a specific topic.

same with me. but whenever i do see one it does annoy me a fair bit. i'd rather see non car stuff in 'anything else' than a post in the BEC forum asking about how to mount cycle wings, or something similar

Fozzie - 14/12/09 at 06:33 PM is getting a bit mad......and the amount of posts in 'Anything Else' ..... on a car theme...are about anything

The headings and sections all have descriptions underneath, so it isn't hard.......

It does seem at this time of is far worse than normal.........

One of my little, little'uns snapped his collar bone yesterday morning at footie (10 years old), so I have a wee bit more multi-tasking than normal......

Please don't be lazy, and read in the heading descriptions where your posts should be, don't keep leaving it for me to tidy up after you........

Any 'wrong-uns' please u2u me and I will move it/them.......

Thank you,

Edit to add.......I will run past the idea with Chris to having a general chat section within the Chat forum, for stuff not quite Mad-House, but non car related.....

[Edited on 14-12-09 by Fozzie]

scootz - 14/12/09 at 06:40 PM

Ooooooh... broken collar bone - very sore one that!

Hope it improves for Xmas!

keithice - 14/12/09 at 07:01 PM

Fozzie, I do sympathise, I always feel useless when they hurt themselves... back on subject.. would there be any chance of an "anything else not car related"... this forum is a fount of knowledge, trivial and not so... car based and not so... and the only place to put non car based stuff seems to be in the mad house which isn't always appropriate... and I do agree this is a car based forum... but to my mind it's one of the most relaxed and convivial around.. I feel no trepidation in asking daft or unusual questions.. and though I don't post alot (being not too knowledgeable about cars etc. the questions I ask will increase as I finish the household projects list and start on the rolling chassis of an Aeon I have sitting in my garage) I have quietly been reading this forum most evenings singe I joined.. I'm in awe of some the levels of knowledge on display...

keithice - 14/12/09 at 07:03 PM

I took too long to type this Fozzie... you beat me to it....

afj - 14/12/09 at 07:37 PM

sorry if my 2 post bothered you i put the carbon mirrors post in the BEC section as i thought that us BEC boys and girls are slightly more in love with the bling of carbon with the light weight engines etc etc also the same with the tyres just wanted some views from others, specifically BEC owners/drivers sorry

flak monkey - 14/12/09 at 07:40 PM

Yep it is annoying. Especially when people put posts of useful info in the manufacturer specific forums.

The randomness of the anything else section I think harks back from before we had a mad house section

Fozzie - 14/12/09 at 07:46 PM conference about it as we speak....

After all...we all have mishaps and disasters for example the heating packing up, what to buy for crimbo, cloned cards to name just a few.....Not really Mad House and not Anything Else ..on a car theme.......and we are all here to help with these 'disasters' or give advice..........

afj .... it may come as a shock, but carbon mirrors are not exclusive to bec's ....


cd.thomson - 14/12/09 at 07:57 PM

liking the new anything else section chris/fozzie

Fozzie - 14/12/09 at 08:04 PM

Originally posted by cd.thomson
liking the new anything else section chris/fozzie



flak monkey - 14/12/09 at 08:09 PM

Yep a great idea

afj - 14/12/09 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie

afj .... it may come as a shock, but carbon mirrors are not exclusive to bec's ....


well they should be

andyharding - 14/12/09 at 08:35 PM

Don't people have more important things to do than whinge about such trivialities?

David Jenkins - 14/12/09 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by andyharding
Don't people have more important things to do than whinge about such trivialities?


Next question?

keithice - 14/12/09 at 09:33 PM

Damn you lot are good..... sensible suggestion... action in under four hours... this is exactly what I was trying to say... including the teasing... keith

Fozzie - 14/12/09 at 09:52 PM

Fin ... I usually do move the offending posts, to the right section, probably before anyone realises.......but not quite up to speed with it yesterday or today, due to little Charlies footie injury.....

Mind, more often than not I get accused of deleting 'em......just because they have been moved .......

Hopefully the sections will be clearer now ......

However.......I have no doubt there will still be stuff to move from Marque specific and Bec etc sections.......


Findlay234 - 14/12/09 at 11:43 PM

Yeah no worries. As i say it is more work than im prepared to do and you are doing a great job as it is. Would be good if the threads were started in the right place in the first instance but that cant be helped. It doesnt stop me using this great service and its not a big issue at all really.

And I dont think people should get too worried about making sure they choose the right forum, im only a pedantic idiot...


mookaloid - 14/12/09 at 11:50 PM

Can we have polls back in the non car chat please Fozzie?

Fozzie - 14/12/09 at 11:53 PM

I'll see what I can do.....
