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wierd diff code?
tony-devon - 26/2/12 at 04:16 PM

Hi all, I have searched the net etc and found the normal sites for diff codes, but come up blank

so Im either thinking that its wrong, or its some random wierd one??

on another non car related forum, I found a ford scorpio diff, 1996 year

the seller has sent me this as the diff code??

36GG - 4033 AA DO4BA

I cant make head nor tail of it

the 4033 seems to tally up with being a granada scorpio diff

but anyone got any advice on how to find the likely ratio?

its bolt on shafts so will replace mine easy, I just would like to at least know what the ratio is before I buy it

jacko - 26/2/12 at 04:30 PM

Have a look in my photo archives there is a list

There is some more inof here too

[Edited on 26/2/12 by jacko]

snapper - 26/2/12 at 06:42 PM

Take the back plate off, it's written on the crown wheel