Not even a bargain anyway with 16k on the clock and just a 600cc, and its British so will breakdown every flew miles or disintegrate in a pile off rust on contact with water…
Me neither, hovered over the buy it now, then did as I was told...
I get really irritated with people who refer to their vehicle as 'her' or 'she'. It isn't, OK?
He says in his listing that he has severely injured his hand. I wonder how he did that.
was he w*nking?
Triumphs are cracking bikes, I'd love a razz on a 675 and can vouch for the sprint st with it's 1050cc inline triple as being one of the
nicest machines I've ever had my legs around. So smooth and comfy with miles of civilised power.....
I reckon he was and probably still does.
Either that or he fell off his bike, repaired it and is not outing it!