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Found this on ebay...........
Jon Ison - 26/2/04 at 08:30 PM

nowt to do wi me but i'm sure somone on here could find this usefull???

Jon Ison - 26/2/04 at 08:31 PM

woops, wrong page

flak monkey - 26/2/04 at 08:38 PM

What were you searching for Jon?

I notice she is in the Star Trek section...maybe the 'owner' is trying to tell us something


Jon Ison - 26/2/04 at 08:40 PM

my search word was "for hire", sorry search words............

u not biddin then ?

flak monkey - 26/2/04 at 08:42 PM my girl

Would be quite funny what would happen if she found out she was on there like to witness that...


steve wheeler-smith - 26/2/04 at 08:55 PM

Bad man... Balls and vice come to mind!!!!