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Dolomite sprint instrument set
Dave Ashurst - 21/3/04 at 05:42 PM ry=27383&item=2467624212

Edit: Seems to be a 120mph speedo though...?

[Edited on 21/3/04 by Dave Ashurst]

Noodle - 21/3/04 at 07:44 PM

My Sprint speedo's a 140. I've another from a 1500 or 1850HL that's a 120.



givemethebighammer - 21/3/04 at 09:33 PM

My set like this cost me £13 from ebay a few months back. My speedo only reads up to 120 mph but track days and bullshit aside are you likely to regularly drive at this sort of speed ? If you do surely you won't be watching the speedo anyway ?