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steering rack
Kriss - 2/3/10 at 09:51 PM em&item=290409138601&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

Agriv8 - 3/3/10 at 08:50 AM

Kriss is this yours ?

if so can you measure the hole centre's on the two mounting hole's



Kriss - 3/3/10 at 11:09 AM

sure, willd o tonight, it fits and Indy but they do have an elongated hole

Kriss - 4/3/10 at 09:11 AM

They are pprox 5 inches and 10/16th apart from centre of hole to centre of hole

M10 (10mm) holes

Kriss - 8/3/10 at 01:11 PM

one day left!

Kriss - 10/3/10 at 12:45 PM

sold for just over a fiver lol - bargain