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Wierd Kit on ebay
tom_loughlin - 16/5/04 at 03:54 PM

Havent got a clue what it is, but looks interesting.
(no connection)

JoelP - 16/5/04 at 05:24 PM

its possible that they arent actually legal allowed to sell the kit, unless the storage contract states they can. failing that they have a legal duty to look after it...

looks nice though.

Peteff - 16/5/04 at 05:49 PM

Looks a lot like an Eagle.

ady8077 - 16/5/04 at 06:18 PM

I thought it looked abit GT40? possably the VW one


Spyderman - 16/5/04 at 06:44 PM

Looks like a Bonito or one of it's decendents.
As it doesn't have the bulge in front it must be VW Beetle based.

It looks a lot less than 90% built tho'!
No windows or screen.
I'd hate to think what it looks like inside!


Browser - 16/5/04 at 11:27 PM

Could it be a Pelland? Vaguely interesting but without a proper look-see I'd be very reluctant to bid!