Got to say that I was a critic when I saw the 'all-green' one... thought it was a REALLY fugly car.
Buuuut... having seen the UK prototype now for sale at Sovereign cars, I have to re-appraise my view.
It's still fugly, but (IMHO) in the same way that a Z3M Coupe or a G-wagon is fugly. You shouldn't like it, but you do!
Seems to be well specced too... 2.0 Duratec Engine, AP Brakes, Bilstein Dampers... seems reasonably priced at £10k.
Anyone seen it in the flesh?
It looks like they saw a Smart Roadster, and thought they needed to make something the same, but uglier.
£10k? So why is the green one £20k?
I think, if I had £10k to spend on a 2 seater, it would be Elise shaped.
I seriously considered the Marlin 5EXi when chosing the Indy, but overall it was going to cost as much to build as a second hand Elise, but
wouldn't ever have the resale value.
If the silver one cost the same to make as the green one, and it's only worth £10k at 1,200 miles, that's £8 a mile in
It would be interesting to own, up until you needed any spare parts!
Originally posted by Rod Ends
Smart meets ToysRus...
If I had 10K to spend it would be a Willy's Jeep. So there.
wow, scott, i think you should be shot for liking that
Doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid. Looks like an OTT badly-rebodied Smart Roadster
Why oh why??
I could live with the rear end and the interior, but not the front. I think even a mother would have second thoughts about that level of ugliness.
Not feeling a lot of love for the Comarth! Must be my weird tastes...
Well, I LIKE IT........
..............But only because there are very few things on this planet, animate or inanimate that are uglier than me! And this makes one more !!!
[Edited on 1/6/10 by stevegough]
the green one is a fairly good spec but you would be off your t**s t pay 20k for it IMO
same with them z car minis
It's definitely got that paranoid android look about it. I quite like Smart Roadsters though.