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Mini cam set up
bob - 27/8/10 at 11:04 AM

You can get these bare ( no SD card) for £12.99 delivered, the video looks ok i might have a go at this.

bartonp - 27/8/10 at 11:11 AM

How does that help you dial in your cam timing on an A series?

balidey - 27/8/10 at 12:42 PM

Anyone actually used one that can comment on how good / bad they are?

IanBrace - 27/8/10 at 01:43 PM

Picture quality is OK on laptop.. Mine has a habit of switching itself off though. Can't really complain at the price..

55ant - 27/8/10 at 02:35 PM

I was considering this, but as siz and weight isnt a huge issue (not putting it on anything remote controlled)

However i stumbled upon this review,


So watched a few more reviews and mainly video footage, found this one, not the best footage but seemed to be of a better quality,


and so i nearlly doubled my budget to a crrrrrrrrrazzy £35.

eBay< br />
Ill have some camera footage of some in car use after wednesday.

loggyboy - 27/8/10 at 03:07 PM

My bro had one of these (well looks very similar) and it tended to be seceptable to vibration causing interferance in the picture quality.

spdpug98 - 27/8/10 at 03:12 PM

I have one and have used it both in the race car and on the MNR:

The problem with using it on the MNR is trying to blank the wind noise out, I have put 2/3 layers of tape over the mic area and it still gets bad wind noise

Humbug - 27/8/10 at 08:07 PM

I've got one of the ebay Chinese ones which are the same shape but have plastic body and slightly different buttons. Quality of recording is OK, though I think I need a higher speed/spec card, noise is OK, and I have tried two mounting points: one with a bracket fixed onto the roll bar with an exhaust clamp (good position but a pain to switch on and off because you need to get out of the car) and the other on a little metal tab fixed onto one of the bolts holding the dash on (slightly low to the bonnet but much more accessible). On both of these brackets I used the fixing which is a spring loaded clip, but then put a thick elastic band doubled or tripled round it to hold it in place. No problems with vibration
