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Rover 3.5 V8 and LT77 Box on ebay
SteveWallace - 6/3/11 at 09:23 PM

Attached is a link to e-bay where I am selling my Rover V8 and LT77 gearbox. I got these as part of the deal with Luego when I bought my Viento kit. The engine was rebuilt by the previous owners (now the previous, previous owners, if the current rumours are true) and has not be run by me, so lots of the parts are in effect still brand new. You can see from the pictures that the cylinders are also in good looking condition.

I subsequently decided to go for a 2.8 BMW engine and box, so I need to clear the space in the garage.

Range Rover 3.5 V8 engine many new parts on eBay (end time 16-Mar-11 21:04:43 GMT)

LT77 Gearbox and Bell Housing on eBay (end time 16-Mar-11 21:13:24 GMT)