I got a couple of these last time they were on offer, ideal for sticking on the back of the locost keeping sleeping bags and stuff dry.
Billy bargain, thanks for the tip.
Nice one thanks. Just been talking about this sort of thing today.
Great bags. Packed mine today ready for Stoneleigh (arrive home from holiday Sat eve and set off to there first thing Sun)
They look a bit like fake canoe wrap bags. Is that a zip or join at the top?
I got a very similar (but better made version) from my local sports world. My bag is made by Karrimor, a respected outdoor activities manufacture.
The idea of these style of bags is that they are open like a bin bag but with a thick ridge. When you have filled the bag you roll the edge over and
over till you get the desired size with no air. The clasping buckle joins the two ends of the roll together and prevents it unrolling. They are
seriously water tight.
We use them for sailing and then when we had the seven packed for touring.
Very good and much better than other bags .......better still waterproof
very popular with the diving community for keeping your normal clothes dry when on the dive boat