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Misleading MEV
ragindave - 9/4/12 at 01:37 PM

You can drive this on the road as an MX5!

Bumps up the re sale value no end miss leading some one into thinking they can driver this on a public road legally...


richardh - 9/4/12 at 02:17 PM

oh dear indeed!

clairetoo - 9/4/12 at 02:22 PM

I've just sent the seller this -


Sorry to burst your bubble , but this car isnt registered at all - you cant just re-use the Mx5 vin plates on a new chassis - this needs to go through an IVA test and be issued a new reg number and chassis number . Anybody buying this and using it on the road would be risking having it crushed . You need to list it as it is - a complete but unregistered kit-car .

Wonder if I'll get a reply..........................

monkeyarms - 9/4/12 at 02:41 PM

Extract from the MEV Ltd web site...

More good news, you don't need to IVA the car as you do with nearly all kit cars as this is a rebody and retains the Mazda monocoque and therefore the vehicle identity.

RAYLEE29 - 9/4/12 at 02:41 PM

oooh so i can just call my car a rebodied sierra and dodge the iva. bet all you guys out there with iva passes wish you had thought of that and saved loads lol

Proby - 9/4/12 at 02:43 PM

That's very misleading to someone who does not know the ins & outs of registering a kit, very naughty advert!

EDIT: just read the extract from the MEV site, surely they can't get away with doing that? Do they?

[Edited on 9/4/12 by Proby]

RAYLEE29 - 9/4/12 at 02:45 PM

monkeyarms the mevx5 and the exocet are different cars btw

ragindave - 9/4/12 at 02:49 PM

MEVx5 is a different concept.

[Edited on 9/4/12 by ragindave]

jonrotheray - 9/4/12 at 02:57 PM

this is the mevx5 that MEV refer to... not quite the same as the exocet!!!

Marcus - 9/4/12 at 03:00 PM

They don't.

The Exocet is not a rebody and the ebay ad is misleading. The MEVX5 is a rebody and therefore not subject to IVA.
It is a pretty little coupe though.

monkeyarms - 9/4/12 at 03:09 PM

DOH! That's what happens when you skim read when your tired

Simon - 9/4/12 at 03:09 PM

There are vids showing the body being removed from MX5 with the "backbone chassis" (very loose definition) being left behind, so I guess technically it is a rebody.

Saw at Detling - seriously ugly - the way the steelwork is designed makes it look like it's going backwards



clairetoo - 9/4/12 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Simon
There are vids showing the body being removed from MX5 with the "backbone chassis" (very loose definition) being left behind, so I guess technically it is a rebody.

Saw at Detling - seriously ugly - the way the steelwork is designed makes it look like it's going backwards



It's nothing like a `backbone chassis' - without the body , all that connects the two subframes is the engine mounts , and there are no top shock mounts so it will just sit on the floor .

That MEV is simply an unregistered kit looking for a gullible buyer............

whitstella - 9/4/12 at 03:36 PM

i keep popping on the mev site every now and then and in 1 post some got there exocet taken from them by the police. the car was with another car which crash and somebody got hurt and they did not iva the exocet and the police did not say a thing and gave it him back. and he insured it is a heavly modified mx5.

look on there forum
Exocet page 6 police v iva


ragindave - 9/4/12 at 03:54 PM

Thats a very interesting thread

Peteff - 9/4/12 at 03:55 PM

Link to it. I wonder if it's the same car that's on ebay now ? I wonder if you'd get away with a heavily modified R1 ?

ashg - 9/4/12 at 03:58 PM

Having built an exocet I can safely say it needs an iva. in fact mine is going for iva Friday maybe I should point out that exocet on eBay to the examiner and see what he has to say about it?

D Beddows - 9/4/12 at 04:22 PM

I know I've been quite horrible about the MEVX5 in the past..........BUT that superlight X5 version actually looks rather interesting.....any pictures of the actual chassis Mr Mills? (I know you'll be reading this lol)

Oh and 400kg lighter than which version of MX5 btw? - the early Eunos was about 1000KG but they got lardier as they went on - a 650/750kg mx5 would be REALLY interesting.......

[Edited on 9/4/12 by D Beddows]

MikeRJ - 9/4/12 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by whitstella
i keep popping on the mev site every now and then and in 1 post some got there exocet taken from them by the police. the car was with another car which crash and somebody got hurt and they did not iva the exocet and the police did not say a thing and gave it him back. and he insured it is a heavly modified mx5.

look on there forum
Exocet page 6 police v iva


The police are often very ignorant on the details of the law regarding kit cars, so nothing can be concluded from an individual case like this. The DVLA Guidelines are quite clear on when a vehicle must undergo an IVA test and receive a new registration. There is no doubt that the Exocet requires an IVA to be on the road legally.

I do like that MEVx5, lovely looking car. I have to wonder how Lotus feel about the front of it though!

[Edited on 9/4/12 by MikeRJ]

DIY Si - 9/4/12 at 04:33 PM

I too have now messaged the seller informing them of the illegalities of it, but we'll see what happens.

clairetoo - 9/4/12 at 04:33 PM

Well , I got a reply !


Dear crapengineering, i bought this car off ebay 6 months ago and been using it on the road and been pulled by police and every thing was fine so i dont understand how come now your saying its illigal - dodgeramcotton

clairetoo - 9/4/12 at 04:45 PM

Reply sent..................


All I can say is you have been very lucky with the police - a quick phone call to MEV is all you need to do to get the full picture regarding the SVA . There is a thread running on locostbuilders (kit-car forum) as well as loads of info on the MEV forum - and the bottom line is that your car is in need of SVA to be legal (it's not a modified Mx5 as some claim , as the Mx5 body is what the vehicle idendity is linked to) Feel free to contact the DVLA ...............

Claire .

scootz - 9/4/12 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
... looking for a gullible buyer............

Did someone call my name!?

CRAIGR - 9/4/12 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by clairetoo
... looking for a gullible buyer............

Did someone call my name!?

Lol. Step away from the keyboard Scotty

DIY Si - 9/4/12 at 08:08 PM

I've just received the same reply!

thefreak - 10/4/12 at 03:09 PM

There's always 1 or 2 who will try and get around doing things legally.
If you do the kit and dont tell the insurance you've done it, it's fraud. If you're honest, they'll tell you it needs IVA-ing.

You'll notice on that thread most people agreed and said the builder was stupid to save a few hundred ££ on not testing it.

He'd get ripped a new one if he was in an accident and it wasn't tested and they found a lot of stuff wrong with it.

If I convert mine to being road legal, it will be IVA'd as I want someone to check over my work to make sure it's safe on the road not just cobbled together

stig mills - 22/4/12 at 08:02 PM

I don't see the point in avoiding BIVA apart from the fee. But when the car is properly tested and registered it is worth far more than it would be with an MX5 V5. Of course it costs less to insure as a kit car than an MX5.
Exocet passes IVA with ease, most customer builds pass first time.
Issues like noise, emmisions, self centering, brake balance, switch labels, speedo calibration are all a gauranteed pass as they are all stock MX5, so back to my point, why avoid IVA inspection and "assume" you built a safe car?