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Vauxhall C20XE Engine on eBay (99p!)
AndyE - 15/9/04 at 01:01 PM

The seller has lots of good feedback too.

ned - 15/9/04 at 01:27 PM

needs a new head as the one on it is porous according to the description..
could be a good buy for a bottm end though..


AndyE - 15/9/04 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by ned
needs a new head as the one on it is porous according to the description..
could be a good buy for a bottm end though..

When a friend of mine had a porous head on a Calibra, a company called "Headway" in Deeside, Flintshire repaired it. They re-sleeve the water jacket where the problems occur.

The cost was around £200 all in.

A new head would cost more, and wouldn't it be of the same design (fault)?

Headway site:

[Edited on 15/9/04 by AndyE]

[Edited on 16/9/04 by AndyE]

ned - 16/9/04 at 08:56 AM

there are at least 3 different heads for the xe..

the early coscast ones, later gm dizzy ones and very late wasted spark type head.

I've only come across the latter types with porousity probs, normally out of calibra's. early engines (astra gte) are best, but tend to be high milers nowaday's...
