Hi, shot a load of stuff on e bay atthe wekend, some of it would be adaptable for the locost way of life Mk2 escort stuff , TR7 bits etc, exhausts,
very happy to sell to people on here for reasonable offers.
sample listing here
Ford Crossflow x flow MK2 escort, 3.89 ration English diff and case
then see other items!
90 items blimey, good luck with the sales
Oh another TR7 lover/ hater/ owner )
Link to list http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/trextr7monkey/m.html?
There seems to be a lot of women's clothes. Is there something you are not telling us ?
Yes to TR7 loving, - picked up a spare engine recently and lots of other well stored stuff came with it and we are tight for space, daughter uses my
account and sells some of her own and my wife's stuff. If it doesn't sell she just relists it and it drifts away steadily.... so unlikely
to be dragging 90 parcels down the lane to Postman Pat!
We are reluctantly selling the Ninja Jago as too many cars here so won't be needing the amassed pile of cross flow spares and Weller wheels etc
that we have gathered over the years and ain't it amazing how those wheels just keep on piling up?
Anyway as said if anything looks of use get in touch.
I couldn't see a plug anywhere, was expecting an IP44 rated one.
is that the one for your electric chair