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David Beckams m3 convertible
macspeedy - 30/12/04 at 03:19 PM


mangogrooveworkshop - 30/12/04 at 04:32 PM

Some ones lost the plot

Ben_Copeland - 30/12/04 at 06:13 PM

Some people will buy anything

David Jenkins - 30/12/04 at 06:19 PM

I guess that you'd have to have the intelect of... er..... David Beckham to pay that price...


Guinness - 30/12/04 at 07:04 PM

Nice BMW racer and a restoration Volvo 121 on his other items section. Might be of interest to someone on here.

andrew.carwithen - 31/12/04 at 11:03 AM

Hmm...Doesn't state if its presently owned by Beckam or if he's merely a previous owner.
If someone's paying that amount thinking they could cash in on the 'prestige' they may be in for a shock.
A car that's only had a previous celebrity owner (not present!) is usually only worth a little (if any!) more than an equivalent age/make/model!


Ben_Copeland - 31/12/04 at 11:27 AM

I would imagine it "used" to belong to him. Especially as a liquidation company has it. Probably taken for payment for something from its last owner. Doubt that would of been beckham with all his millions.