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BEC reverse box and shafts
DaveFJ - 5/1/05 at 10:19 AM


Ebay - Here

Andy W - 5/1/05 at 04:52 PM

Be careful if you fancy this, I spoke to MK about 18 months ago with regard to the eurotech box's. Martin said he'd had 10 of them and lot's of problems. Hope I'm not talking out of turn, They may have changed the design. I decided against it so I don't have any first hand experiance of these box's. I'm going to stick with pushing the car backwards, simplest is usually best; I find.

major - 6/1/05 at 07:33 PM

I am not englisch, so what means "BEC"???

Smooth Torquer - 6/1/05 at 10:54 PM

BEC = Bike Engined Car
