i have for sale a Pinnacle show center, its a nice bit of kit that lets you watch all your div-x, avi, m-peg etc from your pc straight to your telly. its on e-bay at the mo. have a bid http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=175&item=5180380691&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
Yeah, but my Xbox does all that for free!
Avoneer, how'd you do that? Please tell as it would save me a whole lot a time coverting to svcd.
lol, thats why im selling it, i have chipped x-box doing it all for me now...shhhhh
Chipped xbox with a media player on the new xbox desktop - wired to PC with ethernet cable - Xbox thinks it's a hard drive...
Sorry Billy - hope I don't effect any potential sales.
no probs, i like the weather bit on mine oh and copying the games stuff x-boxlive. xb-connect rocks