wow never thought id see one for sale part built
Good spot Andy!
Very surprised also that one of these would be sold off so soon after Marc and Chris started their enterprise! He must have had one of the first kits
Thanks for pointing that out though as I would never had thought to look on eBay for one... Plus I haven't been able to find a picture of a VortX
with a set of Cobra hoops fitted! (As that's what I've ordered for my kit!)
That would be mine. The pressures of family life have proven too much; I've two kids under 3 and unfortunately I can't dedicate the time to
the kit that it warrants and spend time with my kids, so it's got to go.
I'll try and build another one when the kids are older, and it'll probably be a Vortx again (if they're still around!) but I'm not
sure it'll be a BEC.
I've had a huge amount of interest so hopefully it'll go to a good home.
Bargain for someone!
Oh Man! but it looks so good. I almost wish I'd got a black one myself. The list of things to do looks quite short, are you sure you
can't spare 1/2 hr a week to get things done? It's such a shame!
If it has to go, I hope you get a good price for it, although perhaps MNR could trailer it away and return it fully built, for a small fee.
Have you spoke to Marc? I believe that he's inundated with interest in the VortX. Perhaps he could put you in touch with someone who would want
to buy it as is.
I certainly think they'll still be around when you have fewer more important responsibilities, based on MNR's current position and Marc and
Chris's attitude to the industry... 8)
Good luck with everything and you never know, there might even be a bike engine weighing 20kgs and producing 200bhp by then to win you back around
from those boat anchors...
Why wouldn't you build another BEC out of curiousity?
Thanks for any help,
I wouldn't build another BEC because I don't want to have to face parting with £700 for a reverse box. Having pushed this fella up and down
the driveway a few times (slight slope) there's no way I'd manage without a reverse box.
Also, my views have changed as to what I'd use the car for (maybe I'm getting older!), so I now feel a more "relaxed" drive is
what I'm after.
With a bit of luck and a prevailing wind I'm going to get myself an Elise as my 2nd car - so I hope I get a good price 'cos an Elise aint
i know what its like when you have to sell things you dont realy want too,but one has to do what one must
when it sells put the owner in touch with the rest of us owners feel free to give my e-mail etc to them
when there are a few more on the road i hope to set up a owners club with mnrs help(they dont know that yet by the way)
Hi Graham
The absence of a reverse box isn't all that bad. My lad has a 'Busa Dax without reverse. When he puts it away, he drives it through my
garage, up the garden, and into his garage. To take it out, gravity (and some clever steering) brings it through and back to the road. No problem.
I have a steep drive going to my garage so..... must go into garage backwards...must go into garage backwards...must go into garage backwards...must
go into garage backwards...
ok, it's sunk in
damn, i knew you were on a downer but thought you might have talked yourself out of it in a week or so!
gutted for you mate!
The interest has been exceptional - which must say something about how popular MNR are! But the kit has now sold, I'm sorry to see it go - but such is life.